Chapter 62

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Marlie's POV

I am seething. I can not believe he just did that. For the entire car ride, I don't say anything. I can't. I'm trying to keep my powers from acting up. Tony seems fidgety the entire car ride too. Good, he should be nervous, he just endangered both of our lives by threatening a fucking terrorist.

We finally arrive home and I immediately get out of the car. "Honey, we need to talk about this."

I turn to him. "There is nothing to talk about. I'm going straight upstairs and packing our bags! We're leaving." There is no room for arguing in my tone and I turn to go inside. Tony hurries after me.

"Uh no. We can't leave. This is the safest place to be."

I abruptly turn to face him. "What? How on earth did you draw that conclusion? You just gave our address to the world and threatened a terrorist we know next to nothing about."

He sighed in frustration. "We have everything we need to stop this guy right here. This is the only place, where I can keep you safe."

I scoff at this. "Keep me safe. If you wanted to keep me safe, you shouldn't of told him exactly where to find me." He flinched at this and I turn around and head up the stairs. I walk straight into our bedroom and grabbed two large duffle bags and start throwing clothes and other essentials into them for both me and Tony.

I'm just finishing up when my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and see that it's Nattie, which I immediately answer. "Hey, Nattie now really isn't a great time."

She chuckles humorlessly. "I can see that. How are you holding up?"

I sigh. "Oh, I'm great. Anthony just told an international terrorist where to find us and is probably on the way here right now. Now all I have to do is go convince this idiot man, that it is in our best interest to leave."

"So, not busy." She teases.

"Now, is not the time Natasha." I sigh again, but a little bit of the tension has left my body.

"In all seriousness, are you good? Do you need me to come out there and help."

"No, for now I think we got it, but stay close just in case. I may need your help looking into this guy. Does SHIELD have a file on him?" I ask as I zip up the bag.

"Yeah, I'll send it over along with anything else I can find." The doorbell rings from downstairs.

"Thanks. I'll stay in touch." I tell her as I grab the bags.

"Be careful, Marlie. I don't want to loose my friend today." I can hear the concern in her voice.

"Don't worry. I will be." We then both hang up and I leave the room. I can hear a female voice downstairs along with Tony. I'm confused by this because I don't recognize the other voice. I throw the bags down the stairs and head down to investigate.

"Anthony?" I call down the stairs. "Is someone there"

"Yeah, it's Maya Hansen." I hear him respond as I enter the living room. I have no idea who Maya Hansen is and seeing her doesn't trigger any memories. This must be someone Tony knew before meeting me. And by knew I mean was probably one of his many one nightstands, which is only confirmed as Tony continues. "Ah... old botanist pal that I used to know, barely."

He turns to Maya and whispers. "Please don't tell me there's a 12-year-old kid waiting in the car that I've never met." I just roll my eyes and silently hope this as well.

"He's 13." Tony visibly shutters at this and I almost laugh. "No, I need your help."

"But, what for? Why now?" Tony questions and we both wait for her answer.

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