Chapter 24

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Marlie's POV

I've been living in the trailer for about two weeks now and I'm slowly starting to adjust. I spend my days in the SHIELD research labs and studies, learning about modern technology, sciences, and every type of advancement. I've also been learning how to use a computer and do research on that. I've used a computer before but nothing this advanced. I've also been trying to catch up on the times. All the different important events and people.

As I slowly begin to figure out this new technology, I've also been looking into the accident trying to piece together what happened to me. I asked Natasha for my old notebooks, but she said that SHIELD doesn't have them. Apparently, they are now the property of Tony Stark, who went missing about a month before I arrived.

Tony was one of the first people I looked into. When I saw his full name, I nearly choked on my drink. Anthony Edward Stark. Anthony after his great grandfather on his mother's side and Edward, after me. Howie gave my last name to his son. I was shocked to say the least.

The opinions on Tony varied greatly. Tony was a genius that was no doubt, but he was also reckless and irresponsible, but people used to say the same things about Howie, so I've decided to try and form my own opinion. That is if I get the chance, he may already be dead, and this will be the only way for me to know the son of my best friend. And just from my research I have a feeling that Tony Stark had a bigger heart than he let people see.

I've tried a couple of times to reach a Pepper Pots about my journals but getting through seems to be impossible and I don't think she would release them to me anyway, since I'm technically dead still. So, I'll just have to figure it out on my own.

About a month later I'm sitting on the couch in my living room with Natasha watching the news. Suddenly there he is, Tony Stark appears on the screen holding a press conference. That must be what all the buzz has been about over the past couple of day.

We both watch the conference closely. He seems to be alright. His face is a little cut up and his arm is in a sling but overall, he just looks tired.

A man named Obadiah Stain, who apparently used to be friends with Howie walks up to the podium to start the press conference, but Tony just sits down in front of it. Obadiah speaks first.

"Let's get started. Uhhhh." He looks down at Tony.

"Hey, would it be alright if everyone sat down. Why don't you all just sit down. That way you can see me, and I can be a little less formal."

As he's talking, he takes a burger out of his pocket and begins to eat it. It's honestly quite humorous to watch. I can already see a lot of Howard in him, but he is also completely different.

Once everyone is seated, he turns to Obadiah. "It's good to see you."

Obadiah smiles and places a hand on Tony's shoulder. "I never got to say goodbye to dad. I never got to say goodbye to my father."

He sounds saddened by this and I understand. "There's questions I would have asked him. I would've asked him how he felt about what this company did."

He pauses here and I lean in curious by his words. "If he ever had doubts. Or if he was every inch the man, we all remember from the newsreels." Tony pauses for a long time here before continuing. "I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them." I can hear the emotion in his voice. "And I saw that I had become apart of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability."

He pauses again and a few reporters begin to speak. He silences them and allows one to ask a question. "What happened over there?"

He stands up and goes behind the podium. I can tell that this is the moment he has been building towards. The whole purpose of the press conference.

"I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I have more to offer this world than just making things that blow up, and that is why, effective immediately I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International."

The entire press conference erupts, and Obadiah quickly tries to step in, but Tony keeps talking. I'm just watching the man on the screen.

"Until such a time as I can decide the future of this company will be. What direction it should take. One that I'm comfortable with and is consistent with the highest good for this country as well."

As Obadiah tries to recover from Tony's words, I just keep replaying the whole thing in my head. As first real impressions go, that was a good one. It took courage to do what he just did, and he is definitely risking a lot making this change and it sounds like he has good reason for doing so.

"Well, that was definitely unexpected." I jump slightly. I completely forgot that Natasha was even here. She smiles at this.

"It definitely was." I just continue to look at the screen, which now shows a picture of Tony. Natasha and I spend the rest of the night talking about the Stark legacy and my experiences with the company and Howie. I definitely gave her a different perspective on the whole thing.

After the press conference, Tony completely vanishes from the media and Natasha has left for some mission so its just me. Natasha and I have slowly become friends. Besides Howie and Peggy, I've never really had friends before so it's definitely nice to have another one, especially in this new time. It works well though, neither one of us wants to talk much about our past so we just focus on the present, which basically means Natasha is helping me get caught up. When we do talk about the past it is usually very brief and factually based.

Since Tony's return, I've been doing more research on Stark Industries. I'm currently reading a summary of the company's beginnings into the present, which I already know most of. It was quite amusing to read the section I was in, which was actually quite a bit of the document. I laughed at the many mistakes that were written about several different events that I lived through. It definitely gives a different perspective. I slowed down more on the parts after my 'death'. I finally reach the end where it mentions Tony, his brain, and his assistant and close friend Pepper, who is currently engaged to a man named Blake Porter. Based off of all the different articles and documents I've found that Tony and Pepper's friendship reminds me of mine and Howie's. I would definitely like to meet both of them eventually.

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