Chapter 18

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January 1959

Eddie's POV

I was sitting on the couch in my lab at the Garden State facility wrapped in my quilt playing with the necklace my brother gave me for Christmas.

It was a small silver necklace that is in the shape of an infinity symbol. It reminded him of my small birthmark on my right wrist, in the shape of an infinity symbol. He said that the necklace and my birthmark are to be a reminder that there are infinite possibilities.

I am exhausted. I just spent most of the day babysitting Henry for Peggy and Daniel and now need to catch up on work. I fold up the gold and black quilt and head to the small worktable in my Garden State lab.

We are still working on making the Strategic, Homeland, Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division legitimate, which should happen within the next four to five years. Right now, we are growing. Operation Paperclip was a success despite my reservations towards some of the candidates. Our numbers and resources have nearly doubled within the past two years and I've enjoyed having this second more private lab, where I'm not being interrupted by needy interns or lab technicians.

I recently decided to take the Tesseract out of cold storage and begin my research again. Neither Peggy or Howie were particularly excited about it when they found out.

Part of the reason I chose to take it out of storage is because it's been acting up. The energy coming off of it appears to be fluctuating and I need to figure out why. I'm just finishing up building this small handheld device, that will be able to track the energy and give me a more accurate reading.

I decided to make the device solar powered since I don't have a good enough power source on hand. This meant that I had to take it with me so I could let it sit in the sun since my Garden State lab didn't have any windows. I packed everything up and decide to head home.

By the time I get home it was very late, so I set the device on the windowsill of my bedroom and go to bed.

I wake up to an obnoxious beeping noise. I reached over trying to turn my alarm off when I realized it doesn't sound like my alarm. I opened my eyes and get up to investigate. After a minute of searching I find the source. The obnoxious noice is actually coming from the device I made to detect the Tesseract's energy. It must be malfunctioning I think to myself, because there is no way that it could possibly be receiving any readings when the Tesseract wasn't even in this state.

After a minute of examining, it I can't seem to find anything wrong with it. I then try to shut it down, but I didn't have the proper tools in my apartment.

Sighing I quickly get dressed in warm clothes and headed out the door. Normally, Jarvis or another driver comes and picks me up and drives me to the office but thanks to the device. I'm headed into the office early and decide to walk instead.

As I'm walking the device starts beeping louder and quicker. Resigned, I pull the device out and look at the readings. It just confuses me more.

The readings have gotten strong on my walk from my apartment to the office. I keep the device in my hand monitoring the readings as I walk. After traveling a couple more blocks the reading reach a climax and then begin to dissipate. Out of curiosity I turn around and head back. The numbers begin to climb again.

At this point I have to figure it out, so I start to follow the readings. Whenever the numbers are going up, I'm going in the right direction, and when they go down, I turn around. It's a long process and around midday I finally reach what must be the source of my readings.

I look at the building number. "What could possibly be at 177A Bleecker Street?"

At this point I'm at a loss. I can't just go up to the door and knock and say 'hello I'm the crazy person that followed a beeping device to your address. Do you know why?' I stand there contemplating for probably ten minutes and had just decided to leave when the door opened.

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