Chapter 110

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Marlie's POV

After Ross left, we all moved into the sitting area off of the kitchen. Tony sat down in a chair and brought his hand up to his face and massaged his head. This whole thing must be giving him a headache. I sat down on the armrest of his chair and rub his shoulder in comfort. I decided to listen to what the others had to say before adding my own thoughts in the mix.

Steve and Nat are sitting in the chairs next to us, Wanda, and Vision on the couch across from us, and Rhodey and Sam were being the loudest, arguing behinds Steve. I look over at Steve as he studies the Accords.

In the argument Sam was against the Accords and Rhodey was for them. No one else has yet to voice their opinion. Though I could guess where everyone falls.

"Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor, which is on more than you have." Rhodey yells at Sam. I can't help but roll my eyes. I have no respect for Ross, but I do understand that Rhodey as a military man would see things differently.

"So, let's say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?" Sam fires back.

Way to be glass half empty there Sammy Boy. I think to myself as they continue to argue. "117 countries want to sign this. 117, Sam and you're like no that's cool. We got it." Rhodey mocks back.

"How long are you going to play both sides?" Sam counters.

Vision then steps in. "I have an equation." He says and I look over at him.

"Oh, this'll clear things up." Sam says sarcastically back.

Vision just ignores him, and I shoot Sam a warning look, silently telling him to reel it in. Then I turn back to Vision. "In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man... the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. During the same period... the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate."

I sigh as I take in his words. He's not wrong. It was like with New York. The mere existence of preparing for a high form of war drew Loki here. Almost all of the enemies we faced were drawn to us because of our strength or they were created by us. Sure, some of them would have happened without us and would have ended worse than they did, but we also help create and draw several enemies here. Even with all of this in mind, I understand how the world works and no matter how much we may want to remain autonomous, the world doesn't work that way. Though the Accords seem pretty drastic, we'll have to definitely amend them later.

"Are you saying it's our fault?" Steve asks Vision, drawing me from my thoughts.

"I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict... breeds catastrophe. Oversight... Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand." Vision concludes.

"Boom." Rhodey says turning back to Sam.

I then decide to step in. "Vision's not wrong. Sure, the first draft of the Accords isn't perfect, but it can be amended over time. Listen I know it's not ideal, but this is how the world works. Any form of government or organization has someone to keep them in check, so they don't abuse their power. This is no different. If we defy the governments of the world, then we're no better than Hydra or any other organization that takes away the choices of others." I try to reason with them.

Sam scoffs. "We're not evil, Marlie. We save lives. We don't take them."

"Not everyone sees it that way." I counter.

"Tony." Nat then says drawing our attention to him. "You're being uncharacteristically non-hyperverbal."

"That's because he's already made up his mind." Steve says plainly.

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