Chapter 135

110 4 4

October 2018

Marlie's POV

It had been 7 months since the twins were born, and we couldn't be happier. Tony and I have been loving our time as a family, living the simple life. It was a big adjustment going from just Rosie to Rosie, Morgan, and Eddie, but we've managed. Rosie absolutely loves her siblings. She loved helping Tony and I dress them, feed them, and play with them. It was honestly one of the cutest things to watch.

As the twins have grown, I've been able to see more of Tony and myself in them. Morgan, who is a daddy's girl, takes after Tony the most. She inherited his dark brown eyes, nose, and smile. I also think her hair is more like Tony's than mine, but it's hard to say. Eddie on the other hand was a big mama's boy with my green eyes, smile, and my wavey hair. I still saw a lot of Tony in him, but I believe those features will develop more as he grows.

Due to the craziness of have three kids under the age of two, Tony and I have taken a step back from Stark Industries and most of our projects. The last thing we did in the lab together was complete the finishing touches to mine and Tony's nanotech suits.

I was so thankful that I completed all my preparations for the future before the twins were born. I still don't know when everything will start, but at least I'm prepared. I'm even more thankful for the preparations being complete after the visions I've been having recently. I can't say for sure, but I'm pretty sure the future is approaching fast and honestly, I'm dreading it.

My dread on top of everything that comes along with parenting three small children has left me exhausted and stressed to a point where Tony has begun to notice. He has tried many times to get me to relax and open up to him, but I can't. I've seen the futures where I tell him different things and all of them are worse outcomes than what I have planned.

This morning I was feeling particularly stressed, with Rosie throwing a tantrum over her breakfast and the twins teething, that Tony suggested we get out of the house and enjoy this beautiful October day.

I reluctantly agreed. After dressing everyone in sweatshirts and long pants and packing the diaper bag with everything we needed, we loaded up our new SUV and drove to a park in the city.

For the walk, I strapped Eddie into a mesh baby carrier, that I attached to my chest, while Tony did the same with Morgan and pushed Rosie in the stroller. I was a beautiful day out and I found myself relaxing as we walked. Rosie eventually grew restless, so Tony and I stopped to let her run around in the grass for a bit. As she played, we unstrapped the twins and sat down on a bench with them on our laps.

"I've been thinking." Tony suddenly said, making me look over at him.

"Uh Oh. That's not always a good thing." I said teasingly earning me a look.

"I'm choosing to ignore that." He said before continuing. "I've been thinking about us taking a honeymoon soon. We haven't gone yet, and I think it would be good for us. We could ask Pepper and Blake to watch them for a long weekend, so we could finally be able to go to Italy like we planned."

I looked away from Tony, back to Rose with a sigh. "That sounds amazing Tony, but I don't see how that's possible. I'm still breastfeeding the twins and Rosie has been very attached to me lately. Ask me again when the twins are a bit older."

I glanced back over at him and saw his disappointed expression. I turned towards him, while still keeping Rosie in the corner of my eye.

"I know Tony. I really want to go too, but now isn't the time. We'll get to Italy eventually."

Tony nodded in resignation, and I turned back to Rosie. I felt Tony bring his arm around me, while still keeping a firm grip on Morgan, and I leaned into his side.

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