Chapter 161

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Morag: October 2014

Nat's POV

Rhodey, Nebula, Clint, and I appeared on Morag in 2014. Morag was a dreary planet, covered in huge rock configurations and constantly on the verge of a storm. Clint walked several paces away from us and set down the shrunken guardian's ship. He then walked back over to us and threw a small device at it making the ship grow to its normal size. I looked over at him and smirked at how cool all of this was.

The four of us then walked into the ship and Nebula motioned Clint and I over to her. "The coordinates for Vormir are already set. When you're ready to leave, you're going to hit this button, then this one, and this one. Once this gage lights up you will push this lever forward. Once you get there hit this button and the ship will land itself. Don't touch anything else and you'll be good."

Clint and I nodded along as she explained how to operate the ship. It seemed easy enough. "I think we got it, thanks." I told her and she gave us a slight nod in acknowledgment.

Clint and I then walked off the ship and went off to the side out of the way. Before we left with the ship, Nebula was going to unload a smaller ship for her and Rhodey to use in case something went wrong.

Nebula fired up the ship and made it hover several feet off the ground before opening the underbelly hanger and began lowering the ship with Rhodey underneath calling out directions.

"Alright. Bring it down low. Right on that line. That's it. Down, down." Rhodey called as he directed Nebula from the ground.

I watched them as they worked, standing next to Clint in my new black uniform which was under the time suit. A rat sized creature that looked like a mutated lizard with a bunch of tiny sharp teeth walked over near me and I kicked it away. The planet seemed to be full of them.

"Het, can we hurry it up?" Clint called teasingly serious tone.

"Guys, chop-chop. Come on. We're on a clock." I added in a similar manner.

Nebula walked out of the now landed ship as Rhodey turned to us. "All that, is really helpful."

Clint and I walked towards them. Now that the ship was back on the ground it was time for Clint and me to leave. I walked up to Rhodey and gave him a hug.

"Take care, okay?" I whispered to him.

"Take that stone and come back. No messing around." Rhodey said back seriously. I just gave him a reassuring smile before walking into the ship as Clint stepped forward to say goodbye.

"You guys watch each other's six." Rhodey called as Clint and I walked up the ramp. We both turned back to him and gave both him and Nebula reassuring looks before raising the ramp.

Clint and I walked up to the front of the ship and strapped ourselves in the seats Nebula instructed us on and proceeded to follow her instructions on launching the ship. It worked like a charm. As space flew by before my eyes, I couldn't help but smile at the beauty of it all. I glanced over at Clint and saw a similar expression on his face.

"It's a long way from Budapest." He said giving me a smile. I laughed. It really was.

It took us a couple of hours to reach our destination, but eventually the ship slowed down and a beautiful reddish blue planet appeared before us. I couldn't help but stare at it. It was beautiful and I honestly couldn't believe I was here right now.

"Wow, under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome." I heard Clint say in awe.

I looked over at Clint and saw a similar expression on him face. We then situated ourselves back in our seats and Clint initiated the landing system. The ship came down and landed on the planet's surface. There was nothing here. The entire surface of the planet was a mixture of small dirt like dunes and pools of water. The only thing that stood out was the huge mountain standing alone amongst the dunes.

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