Chapter 15

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October 1950

Eddie's POV

"Eddie? You here?"

"In the sitting room Pegs." I was sitting in the rocking chair holding a letter when Peggy enters the room. "Hey, what's up?"

Peggy was freaking out. She started pacing the room and playing with her bracelet that I bought her for her birthday last year.

"Daniel Sousa asked me to court him." She was panicking and it was honestly quite amusing. Peggy Carter, the bad ass agent of the SSR, was panicking because her close friend and collogue asked to court her.

"Peggy, its going to be okay. Just breathe okay." I stood up and walked over to her. I grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to stop pacing and face me. "Now, start from the beginning."

She takes a few breaths and starts her story. "Okay, so you know Daniel and I have been partners since that one case in 1947. You know the one that I solved proving myself to my collogues." I just nod my head and let her continue. "Well since then we've gotten close, and he has even taken me out on a few dates. Remember?" I just nod again not wanting to interrupt her. "He has always been such a gentleman and treated me with such respect and care." She pauses and allows a small wishful smile to cross her face before continuing. "So, we are following a lead on this case, and I was telling him my idea of starting my own organization. You know the one I want your help on." I nod my head again remembering the conversation. "Well, I wanted his help as well and I was just talking about all my ideas. When I finished, he was giving me this look and out of nowhere asks if he could court me."

I'm smiling at this point. Daniel Sousa was a very good man. He met Peggy after the war at the New York SSR facility. He was the only one of her collogues that always treated her with respect and saw her for the amazing strong woman that she is. It took her a while to trust him but whenever she needed him, he was there. Peggy has this incredible ability to run headfirst into a situation with no regard for her own personal safety. Daniel has always had her back and helped her in anyway that she needed. I was honestly thrilled that he finally asked, now I just had to make sure my friend didn't mess it up for herself.

"Well, what did you say?"

She immediately blushed and let a smile grace her face. "I told him yes."

At these words, the biggest smile crossed my face. "So, what's the problem? Why are you so panicked?"

She was about to start pacing again so I grabbed her hand and led her over to the couch. We both sat down, and I waited for her response.

"I don't know, its just besides Steve I've never felt like this before. It's all so new and I don't know what to expect. Even with Steve it was different. I cared for him in a way that could've become something more and as my first love I will always keep him in my heart, but he died before anything even happened. With Daniel its different. He treats me with the same respect as Steve did, but he is also there for me in a way no one has even been before. I just don't what everything with Steve to mess this up for me now."

I smiled at my friend and reached over and grabbed her hand. "Peggy, heaven knows that I'm no expert on love, but what I do know is you. Everything thing that you've gone through, you learn something from it and allow it to make you a better person. Steven was you first love, and you shouldn't ever forget him because you learned a lot from him. Steven showed you that there are men out there that will respect you as the confident headstrong woman that you are and that you don't need to compromise that for love. You should never forget what Steven taught you because it ended up leading you to Daniel. Daniel is an amazing man who respects you and cares for you in the ways that you need and deserve. Daniel cares for you because of who you are, and Steve would want you to be happy."

She sits there for a minute digesting my words before reaching over and pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks, Eddie." She is suddenly giving me a mischievous smile. "So, when are you going to find someone who loves and treats you in the way, that you deserve?"

I just sigh. "I told you Pegs I'm never going to get married or fall in love. Its just not for me."

She gives me a sad smile. "I thought you had already dealt with your family problems?"

I just give her a sad smile. "Just because I've dealt with my family, doesn't mean that I've changed my mind about marriage. Now when is your first official date?" She allowed my not-so-subtle subject change and we continued talking late into the night.

Ever since I first mentioned my aversion to love and marriage in the early years of our friendship, both Howie and Peggy had brought the topic up until I finally gave them an explanation. The whole idea of marriage makes me cringe for one simple reason, my father. My mother's marriage to my father was what ruined her life. He never loved or respected her and forced her to give up her dreams and ambitions by taking away her power of choice. Since becoming friends with Peggy and Howie, I've learned that marriage doesn't have to be like that, but it hasn't changed my mind. I will never be apposed to my friend's getting married, but personally I never will. The idea of it terrifies me. I am perfectly content working at Stark Industries and enjoying life with my friends.

InfinityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora