Chapter 21

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Eddie's POV

The next morning, I woke up before the sun and drove over to Bleeker St. I went up to the door of the strange building and knocked. The Ancient One answered and let me in.

"Are you ready for this? Because you better be ready for this." She gave me a reassuring smile.

"Yes, Ms. Edwards I am ready for this."

I nod. "Alright let's go." I turn around and I'm about halfway to the car when I turn and realize that she hasn't moved. Frustrated, I walk back and raise an eyebrow questioning her.

"I'm not coming with you."

"Why the hell not!!" I'm getting frustrated now. I've spent the past year working my ass off and pushing the people I'm closest to away and now she isn't going to do her part.

She seems to read what I'm thinking based on her response. "Don't worry Ms. Edwards, I am still going to do my part, but I must be here to do it. Just make sure you turn the machine on at exactly 12:00pm."

I'm still confused but I've learned that questions are pointless with this woman because she will never give more information. So, I just nod my head and turn to leave.

Before I shut the building's door, I turn to her. "You better be right about this."

She nods. I'm about to shut the door when she stops me. "Ms. Edwards."

I look back at her. "Thank you, you won't regret doing this." I just nod my head and leave.

I arrive at the warehouse and make sure everything is in order, while keeping a close eye on the clock. At 11:58 I begin to power up the machine. I watch all the gages and take the measurement, and everything appears to be in working order.

As soon as the clock strikes twelve, I flip the leaver that opens the portal. It's beautiful. The blue and white beams travel down the spires and shoot across the room into the portal stabilizer. After a couple of seconds, a green glow forms above the portal and slowly mixes in with the portal.

I am mesmerized by the colors and by the fact that it actually worked. I double check the measurements, and everything seems to be stable. Its time. I take a deep breath and start slowly walking towards the platform, fear beginning the grow in my chest.

All of my doubts begin to surface. What if it doesn't work. What if I can't get back. What if I die? I push them all aside as I reach the platform, but as soon as I touch it something happens.

The colors of the portal begins to spin faster and faster. Energy tentacles have started reaching out and looping back into itself. The magnetic field has become unstable. I realize the portal is going to collapse in on itself and then most likely destroy the entire building. I quickly turn and try to run back to the controls, but the magnetic field is already starting to drag me towards the portal. I manage to grab a hold of the platform's edge and scream.

I'm terrified. I try and hold on for as long as I can but one of the energy tentacles loops around my waist and pulls me into the portal. I only have time to let out one final scream before there is a flash of yellow and everything goes black.

Howie's POV

I was sitting in my office on the phone with Maria. "You want to do what to the house?"

Maria had been trying to convince me to get a pool and outdoor patio put into our house. Of course, I was going to do it for her, but she keeps changing the plans. Last week she wanted it to be an enclosed patio, but now she wants to turn the study into the enclosed patio and add an outdoor one. I'm about to respond to my wife when a panicked Jarvis comes rushing in.

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