Chapter 154

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Tony's POV

I was a gorgeous late summers day as I stood in the kitchen finishing up preparing our lunch. The kids were outside playing in the small tent I had set up for them a couple of days ago. I was keeping it simple for lunch. I had cut up a bunch of vegetables to go with some dip, chips, and grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. It was one of the kids favorite meals. I set the vegetables down on the table with the dip and chips and served up the three sandwiches onto plates.

I then walked outside to get the kids. I clapped my hands as I walked up getting their attention.

"Chow time."

I could hear their little giggles coming from inside the tent and I sat down on the child sized outdoor chair that was directly outside of the tent.

"Maguna? Eddiemeister? Morgan H Stark. Anthony Edward Stark jr. You want some lunch?" I asked picking up a small stuffed bear that shouldn't be out here.

Morgan and Eddie quickly emerged from the tent. Each of them wearing a helmet from one of the suits in the garage and a glove with a circular light on the palm of it resembling a repulser. What caught me off guard was the fact that Eddie was wearing one of my iron man helmets and Morgan was wearing one of Marlie's infinity helmets.

As they came out, they both held up their gloved hands and pointed them at me. "Define lunch or be disintegrated." Morgan said.

I quickly held up my hands playing along with their game. They both walked up to me and stopped right between my legs and lowered their hands.

"Okay, you guys should not be wearing those. They are a part of mine and your mom's suits are very dangerous." I said taking the helmets off the two of them.

"Okay." They both said in unison as they looked up at me with slightly guilty faces.

"There you go. Are you guys thinking about lunch? I can get you a handful of crickets on a bed of lettuce." I teased making them laugh.

"No!" They both cried laughing.

"Yeah, that's what you want." I then held up the helmets. "How did you find these?"

"Garage." Eddie said happily.

"Really? Were you looking for them?" I asked with a hint of my amusement coming through.

"No. We found them, though." Morgan said sounding equally as happy about it.

"You guys like going into the garage, huh? So does mama and daddy." I then stood up with the two helmets and stuffed bear still in my hands.

"It's fine, actually. Mama and I don't have need for them anymore." I mumbled as I walked with the twins next to me towards the house.

I walked up on the porch and stopped by the sound of a car door opening. I turned and saw Nat, Steve, and Scott standing outside their car's open doors. I looked at Steve first. He had a serious expression on his face. I then looked over at Nat and she gave me a small smile and a nod of her head. I nodded back and turned walking the kids inside.

I could help the thoughts racing through my mind as to why they were here. If it had been just Nat to show up, I wouldn't be worried. She liked to randomly show up, but the others. Their appearance could only mean that something was happening, and I wasn't looking forward to the coming conversation.

After everything with Thanos, I had stopped being Iron Man and was no longer involved with the team. There really wasn't even a team anymore. I had promised Marlie that I would take care of the kids and being Iron Man wasn't it anymore. No, they didn't need their dad being a superhero. They needed me to be their dad. Whenever I put on that armor, I ran the risk of not coming home and I wasn't willing to risk that anymore. Morgan and Eddie had already lost their mother and sister to this life, and I was determined to not let them lose their dad too.

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