Chapter 90

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Marlie's POV

Over the next couple of day, the three of us spend at much time as we can in the lab. We run hundreds of tests and simulation, continuously reprogram the Iron Legion and the Ultron Program, and try to understand the different aspects of the scepter.

Being this close to the scepter must be having some kind of effect on me because I've continued to get sick, and I've been even more exhausted than usual. I just feel like something is off. To be honest I've felt this way for a while but have just been ignoring it. I've been avoiding Helen Cho though. She got the blood test result back and has been trying to get me alone to tell me the results, but I keep making up excuses. I know that she must have found something, or she wouldn't be this persistent and I just can't handle more bad news right now.

It was the morning of our last day with the scepter and we were no where close with the program. We'd made progress on an interface, but that's it. I was standing in front of one of the computers running yet another test when Tony walked up next to me.

"Marlie, honey, you look exhausted. Why don't you go take a nap and I'll let you know when your test is done?" Tony tells me, placing his hand at the small of my back. I guess I wasn't hiding my symptoms as well as I thought.

"Tony, I'm fine. We just have today left to figure this out." I start.

"Honey, your tests still have about another hour to run and you're good to know one exhausted. Just go freshen up and come at the problem new. Bruce and I are good here for an hour. Go." He says again.

"Fine, but if anything happens you better come get me." I warn him.

"Deal." He says and gives me a gentle kiss on top of my head.

I then walk out of the room and over to the elevator. When the elevator arrives, I'm met with Helen, who is giving me the stink eye. I consider taking the stairs, but I know I can't avoid her forever. So, I walk in, and the door closes on the two of us.

"You're avoiding me." She says after a moment.

I'm about to deny it but one look from the woman and I know there's no point. "Sorry, been busy." I say instead.

"Well, I have your results." She says and hands me several pieces of paper stapled together. "Will you be able to understand the results, or do you want me to explain them to you?" She asks me.

"No, I got. I know how to read a medical chart." I say back. She nods and the elevator opens on my floor. I go to leave, but back to Helen. "Thanks." I say and the elevator door closes.

I walk down to mine and Tony's room and sit down on our bed. I take the results and start looking them over. I scan the pages and stop. No, that can't be right! How is that possible! Well, I know how it's possible, but really! I reread the results again and sure enough, it's true. All of the tests came back negative except for one. I am pregnant!

So many emotions run through me all at once, joy, fear, happiness... just to name a few. I feel tears begin to fill from my eyes as I place my hand on my abdomen and look down. There's a baby in there. I perfect, tiny little baby that is half me and half Tony! I can't help but think of my vision. The little boy standing in the field, though it does bring a sense of panic to me, I can't help but memorize all the little feature of his little face. I can't help but wonder if it is the same child. This is the first step towards that future that Tony and I have been wanting. It's finally here! And if we can get the Ultron program working all the better. The threat of the future will be gone, and we can live out our lives in peace.

Then it hits me. I have to tell Tony! I have to share our happiness with him. I try to think of the best time to tell him and decide on tonight after the party. That will give us the privacy and time to celebrate together. It also means that I'm going to have to hide this from everyone until tonight. I look over at the time and see that it's already been thirty minutes. So, I decide against a nap and just end up taking a shower. I can't help the permanent smile on my face as I blow dry my hair and get dressed.

After I'm done, I take a moment to compose myself and head back down to the lab. I have to resist the urge to place my hand on my abdomen as I walked down. I enter the lab and see Tony and Bruce working away. Neither of them had seen me yet so I just stand there leaning against the wall staring at Tony. I can't wait to tell him. To see his reaction. He is going to be so happy.

Tony then sees me out of the corner of his eye and turns to me with a smile. "What are you doing?" He asks me.

"Just admiring." I tell him. I know that Bruce is here but right now I don't care, besides he is do fully ignoring us. Tony just looks amused by my sudden change in behavior.

"Oh!" he says as I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waste, which he in turn does the same. "And what might you be admiring?"

With the biggest smile on my face, I answer. "My handsome boyfriend. Why? Is that a crime?" I say teasingly.

"No, definitely not." He chuckles. "I assume you had a good nap." He says clearly amused.

"I didn't really nap." I tell him.

"Oh? Then what has you so chipper?" He asks back.

"I got some news." I say unable to contain my smile.

"News?" He asks confused.

"Yep." I say popping the 'p'.

"Do I get to hear this news of yours?"
I move my hands from his back and place them on his chest. "It's a surprise." I tease. "One that you will receive tonight, after the party."

Tony just smiles fondly down at me and shakes his head in amusement, but I can see the burning curiosity behind his eyes. "Do you like to torture me?" He quietly whispers to me.

I bring my lips up to his ear. "I like doing a lot of things to you." I whisper seductively. When I pull back Tony is speechless and has a very shocked expression on his face. I decide to be just a bit crueler, and I pull him down for an overly passionate kiss. When I break away, we are both breathless and I just seductively walk away. Leaving Tony speechless, confused, and very turned on.

I then look around and see that Bruce has left the lab. I don't remember when that happened, but it was probably for the best. Tony and I can be very affectionate towards each other, but we're not big on PDA, especially me, so the team really only sees our small touches and quick kisses towards each other. This is probably why Tony is so confused right now, what I just did is always saved for private spaces, but I probably just traumatized poor Bruce, depending on when he left.

"Jarvis, you can tell Bruce it's safe to come back now." I say as I go over to my workspace.

"Speak for yourself." I hear Tony say and I turn and see him in a precarious spot.

"Go get cleaned up, we have an AI to finish." I say to him.

"That's it? You're just going to do that to me and leave it at that. You tease!" Tony retorts walking back over.

"Anthony, think of it as a prelude to what you're in for tonight." I say over my shoulder.

"You're a cruel woman, Marleena Rose Edwards." Tony says giving me a quick kiss before leaving the lab.

A minute later Bruce walks back into the lab. I glance at him. "Sorry, about that." I say going slightly red. Bruce just nods and goes over to his station. Gotcha, I guess we're just going to ignore it then.

Tony makes his reappearance a few minutes later and we spend the rest of the day running different simulations. Eventually Bruce leaves to go get ready and Tony and I try one last simulation, which also fails.

"What did we miss?" Tony mumbles. I just shake my head, not having any answers for him.

"I'll continue to run variations on the interface. But you should probably prepare for your guests. I'll notify you if there are any developments." Jarvis tells us.

"Thanks buddy." Tony says as we walk out of the lab hand in hand.

"Enjoy yourselves."

"We always do." Tony says back.

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