Chapter 78

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Marlie's POV

"Miss? Miss? You have to wake up. Wake up miss."

My head is killing me, and a strange voice is practically yelling at me. I'm super confused too. What is going on. I manage to open my eyes and only see darkness. "What? What's going on?" I groan.

"Miss you've been in an explosion. I have notified Mr. Stark and he is requesting your location; would you like for me to give it?" The voice I finally realize is Friday and it's dark because my suit is buried deep under the ruble of the destroyed building.

"No, don't give him my location. And Friday why did you tell Tony?" I say frustrated. This is just great Tony is probably freaking out for no reason. I can get out of this. The last thing I need is to bring Tony in on this.

"I'm sorry miss but you were unresponsive and the protocol states that I alert Mr. Stark of your condition and situation."

I sigh. "Whatever. Friday do a scan of the area and see if you can find a safe way for me to get out."

"Of course, miss. What would you like for me to do about Mr. Stark? He keeps trying to contact you."

I sigh again. "Put him through." It would be better for me to calm him down before he does something stupid, like try and break into SHIELD since he can't get into my suit. The moment Friday starts to call his face appears on my screen. He looked stressed as he stood in what must be the lab, probably trying to find me.

"Marlie! Are you alright? Where are you?" His panicked voice fills my suit and hurts my head.

"Tony, please calm down, I'm fine. And please don't talk so loud." I say to him a strained voice.

I watch Tony study my face on his screen. "You're bleeding. Friday do a scan." He tells my A.I. through the call. I can see the worry on his face, and I try to put a brave face on to reassure him, but I must be worse than I thought because it is more difficult than it should.

"Mild concussion and bruised ribs detected, recommend immediate excavation and medical attention." Friday says and I know I'm screwed. I'm pinned under deep rubble with Hydra/SHIELD agents roaming around above.

"Marlie, where are you?" Tony says to me. I can hear it in his voice, that he isn't going to take no for an answer. He is going to find me.

"Tony, I can't..." I try but he interrupts me.

"Marlie I'm being serious. Tell me where you are, or I'll hack into every server I can think of and find you." His voice is coated in anxiety and stress.

I decide to try one more thing. "Tony, I can't tell you. SHIELD is compromised. It's been compromised from the beginning, by Hydra. I've been with Nat and Steve being hunted down by Hydra within SHIELD. They just brew up the building trying to kill them and all I know is that they're under here somewhere probably dead. They've killed Fury and probably hundreds of people. The worst part is that it's my fault. I let Hydra enter SHIELD and I never knew." I'm crying now. The guilt of the entire situation finally falls down on me and I can't breathe. I suddenly start feeling claustrophobic and begin hyperventilating.

"Hey, breath. It's alright. I'm right here. Breath with me. In through your mouth... out your nose. That's it keeps going." He keeps walking me through this until I've calmed down. "Better."

"Yeah. Thanks." I mumble.

"Always. Hey, it's not your fault. You didn't know and they were able to fool everyone. You are not responsible for this." He says sweetly, I just give him a small smile.

"That may be true, but I have to put a stop to this. I have to make it right." I say to him.

"I understand, but right now you need help. Please tell me where you are. You don't need to do this alone." He pleads.

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