Chapter 170

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Marlie's POV

The moment those words were out of his mouth, chaos ensued. Everyone let out a war cry as we all charged towards the army. Thanos held up his sword and his own army began charging as well. Tony and I took to the air and flew to meet them head on surrounded by the Wakandan aircrafts and our other flying team members.

The two armies collided, and Tony and I flew side by side focusing on shooting down as many of the aliens as possible. One of the Chitauri aircrafts flew by me and I maneuvered myself back around and shot a powerful blast at it right before it released a bomb down on Rocket. Tony then flew back around over to me, and we hovered in the air back to back firing our repulsers as we slowly spun around.

I saw a group of Outriders about to attack Bucky and I quickly flew down and fired several lasers and repulser blasts at them killing them.

"Thanks." Bucky said awkwardly. The last time he saw me wasn't the best of times and I could tell that he didn't seem to know where we stood.

"No problem, Barnes. I got your back." I said back and quickly flew off.

I saw Tony land on the ground and begin fighting off several Outriders. I fired at a few others as I worked my way over towards him. When I looked at him again, I saw Tony laying on his back with the huge hammer alien we fought in New York about to squash him with his hammer. I increased my speed and was about to call upon my connection with the Power Stone, when something pulled the alien backwards onto the ground and Scott's giant foot squashed him like a bug.

I landed on the ground next to Tony, just as Peter jumped down and helped Tony up. Tony and I retracted our helmets as Peter began rambling.

"Hey! Holy cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? I must've pasted out. Because I woke up, and you guys were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, 'It's been five years. Come on, they need us.' And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing he does all the time..."

The entire time Peter was rambling I was looking between him and Tony. The amount of emotion on Tony's face at seeing Peter again warmed my heart. Tears pricked at my eyes as I watched Tony interrupt Peter's rambling by pulling him into a hug.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked as Tony hugged him. At first, he just froze, but he quickly gave in and hugged him back. "This is nice."

Tony pulled back out of the hug and smiled at Peter. "My turn." I said and pulled Peter in a hug too.

I'd really missed Peter; he was a good kid with a good heart. In some ways he was kinda like mine and Tony's unofficial adopted child and it was good to have him back. When I pulled back from the hug, Peter was giddy with happiness. I honestly wish the moment could have lasted longer, but we still had an army to defeat, and this small reprieve was over.

"You be careful, kid. And remember we're on comms, so if you need anything just let us know." I told him.

"You got it, Mrs. Stark." Peter said with a smile and then ran off.

Tony and I shared one last smile before doing the same. Tony and I continued to fly around taking on different opponents and covering each other's backs. We went along like this for a while before I heard Clint's frantic voice through the comms.

"Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing?"

"Get those stones as far away as possible!" Steve commanded.

"No! We need to get them back where they came from." Bruce yelled back.

"No way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel." Tony said as he fired at a Chitauri soldier that was about to blast me from behind.

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