Chapter 175

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Marlie's POV

Opening my eyes, I felt more awake than any of the previous times, yet I could tell that I still wouldn't be able to stay away for long. I may have been improving, but I was still exhausted.

I looked around the room until I spotted the one I'd been searching for. Tony stood staring out the window with a solemn expression on his face. I took a moment to study him. He looked as if he'd aged ten years in just the few days I'd been out. I hated it, because I knew he was like this because of me. He was stressed and worried because of what I had to do to save him. I wouldn't change what I did, but I still felt guilty for everything I'd put him through. And not just these past few days. No, he'd been through hell for the past five years and I would never stop trying to atone for what he had to endure.

I waited to see if he would notice me, but he must have been deep in his thoughts as he stared blankly out the window. Growing impatient, I decided to try and speak to get his attention. It would be challenging. I could feel how dry and tense my throat was, but I felt as if I could at least get something out. Unlike before I felt that I had enough energy to at least try to form a word.

"Tony." My voice came out in a quite grovel sound. I was surprised that it was even remotely coherent, for my throat felt like sandpaper and it hurt to form even that one simple word.

It worked though. The moment the barely coherent word left my mouth, Tony turned to me with wide eyes. The same look of shock and relief crossed his face as it did when I first appeared out of the Soul Realm. He recovered faster this time and hurriedly crossed the room to my bedside. He knelt down next to my bed and grabbed my hand like a life line. I tiredly gripped his hand and looked into his tear filled eyes.

I could tell that he wanted to speak, but he seemed to be struggling with finding the words. I'd never seen Tony at a loss for words and it worried me. I feared that I'd pushed his too far. That I'd broken him beyond repair this time and he'd given up on me. I wouldn't blame him. After everything I'd put him through, how could I expect all to just be forgiven and we'd just move on with life.

I didn't even have my visions as reassurance. I hadn't been able to see anything beyond my last moments after using the stones. Everything I told Nat to do with the Soul Stone was a gamble. I had no idea if it would work. So, everything happening now was completely new to me. For the first time in years I didn't know what was going to happen next and it terrified me.

I was jarred from my anxious thoughts, by Tony wrapping his arms around my middle and burying his face in my chest. His body wracked with sobs and I couldn't help the tears from spilling from my own eyes. I still had no idea what was happening, but I felt that deep in my heart I hadn't lost Tony for good. We had a lot to talk about and work through, but I hadn't lost him. I ran one hand through his hair while the other rubbed circles on his back. I could feel myself growing tired but I fought to stay awake. He needed me right now.

We stayed like this for several minutes. Eventually, Tony's sobs calmed. "Lay with me." I managed to whisper out. I knew he heard me because he turned his head to look at me, but I could tell he hadn't understood a word of it. "Water." I tried again. If I was going to speak, I really needed some water to sooth my throat and help clear up my voice.

Tony understood this. He got up and poured me a glass from the pitcher on the rolling table next to my bed. He placed a straw in the cup and brought it up to my lips. I drained the whole glass in just a few gulps. I still felt thirsty but my throat didn't feel as dry.

"Thank you." I managed to say clearly, yet slightly slurred. I was really struggling to stay awake.

Tony placed the cup down and sat down on the edge of the bed. "You're welcome." He told me gently as he brushed some of my tangled hair behind my ear. "You can sleep. I'm not going anywhere."

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