Chapter 113

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Marlie's POV

It was a beautiful service. Tony, Rosie, and I sat together with Sam and Steve. When the time came for speeches, I was one of the people called up.

I walked up the stage and took a deep breath. I looked out into the crowd and realized just how many people were touched by her life. After a moment to compose myself, I began my speech.

"Most of you know me as Marlie Edwards, now Stark or maybe you know me better as Infinity and a member of the Avengers. But when I first met Peggy, I was just Eddie, a sixteen-year-old kid who was just trying to find her way in this world. I was Eddie, co-worker, and best friends of Howard Stark. She was my first female friend and quickly became an older sister to me. In 1942, when we first met, she was working for the SSR on Project Rebirth. I was working alongside Dr. Eriskine and Howard Stark on the project as well. In a world where women weren't meant to succeed, she taught me how. She gave me courage and strength through our friendship. Peggy was the type of person to never give up, especially on the people she loved. I was lucky enough to be one of those people. Even when I showed up in 2008 and we were reunited she continued to be true to herself, up until the day she died. Though I will miss her, I know in my heart that she is happy. She is with her husband Daniel, her daughter Charlette, and with our friends Howard and Maria. The world has lost a great soul, but she made sure that the world she was leaving behind was better because of her life. I will miss you, Peggy. Say hi to our friends and family for me. And I promise you that I will continue to look out for this world you helped shape."

I conclude my speech and go and sit back down next to Tony, who hands me Rosie. I needed the comfort of my daughter and husband right now. The speeches continued and finally ended with Sharon. I make eye contact with her and sent her a small smile. I may not be close to her, but over the years I have gotten to know her. She reminded me a lot of Peggy.

"Margaret Carter was known to most as the founder of SHIELD, right up there with other greats like Howard Stark, Colonel Phillips, her husband Daniel Sousa, and Marleena Edwards... but I just knew her as Aunt Peggy. She had a photograph in her office. Aunt Peggy standing next to JFK. As a kid, that was pretty cool. But it was a lot to live up to. Which is why I never told anyone we were related." As she says this, she looks right at Steve who is sitting across the aisle. Steve then looks over at me and I just shrug as Sharon continues. "I asked her once how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage... in a time when no one wanted to see a woman succeed at either. She said, compromise where you can. But where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move... it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree... look them in the eye and say No, you move."

She finishes the speech and Steve helps to carry her casket out. Tony and I walk out of the church, and I see Nat walk up. "How you doing?" She asks me.

All I can do is nod. "I was a beautiful serve. It honored her well."

She nods and gives me a hug. "I'm gonna go see Steve and then we can go."

She then walks off and I walk with Tony to the black rental car. I put Rosie in her car seat and turn to Tony. "Call me when you land. I'll do the same and I'll see you in a couple of days. If either of you need anything just call, please." I can feel the emotion building in me. This is going to be the longest I've been away from Rosie. Tony and I haven't even gone on a honeymoon yet. We wanted to wait until she was a bit older. So, this plus the funeral is getting to me.

Tony pulls me in for a hug. "Hey, I got this. You got this. Everything's going to be okay."

I nod and he pulls back and kisses me. It's a quick sweet kiss and just what I need. "I'll call you later." I then say pulling back and Tony goes to get in the car.

I open the door to Rosie and give her several kisses before shutting the door and watching them drive away. Once they're gone, I put on my business face and wait for Nat, who is still in the church with Steve.

I take a glance in the church and see them hugging and I can't help but smirk. I know they don't see it, but I still think they would be great together. I guess I'm just gonna have to be patient and keep dropping hints.

Nat then walks out of the church with Steve and sees me smirking. "Shut up Edwards." She says before I can say anything.

"I didn't even say anything, besides technically I'm Stark now." I tease.

She just shakes her head. "You were going to, and you will always be Edwards to me, so deal with it."

I just roll my eyes and we get into the car to head to the airport.

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