Chapter 86

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Marlie's POV

Tony and I fly off to where Jarvis and Friday have located the control room. We both burst through the window and everyone inside starts shooting at us, but thanks to our suits they just ricochet off.

"Guys, stop. We gotta talk this through." Tony says to them, before firing tiny projectile at them all. "It was a good talk." He then says.

"No, it wasn't." Some random guy says back, and I smirk at this.

Tony and I then go through the building to the main research area, where we find a man leaning over their main computer system trying to wipe it all. The man must have heard us because he suddenly looks up in surprise and I hit him with a stun blast, which will knock him out for hours.

Tony and I then both exit our suits. "Sentry Mode." Tony tells them and our AI's take over guarding us as we work.

We both go over to the server, and I start canceling the erasing process, while Tony connects Jarvis to their system. "Okay, Jarvis, you know. I want it all. Make sure you copy Hill at HQ."

After everything that happened with SHIELD, Maria ended up coming to work for us and she has been instrumental in our hunt for the scepter.

I hear Nat say that everything has calmed down outside, and Steve tell her to calm Bruce down, but I'm not fully listening. There are so many files flashing across my screen, but it's actually something in the corner of the room that catches my eye.

I'm about to go over and look, when Tony distracts me, and I have to focus back on the mission. "I know you're hiding more than just files." He says to himself.

"Hey, J, give me an IR scan of the room, really quick." This then piques my interest and I go stand next to him as I watch Jarvis go as Tony asked through the Iron Man suit.

"The wall to your left. I'm reading steel reinforced... and an air current." Jarvis reports.

Tony looks at me with an intrigued look and we both walk over to the wall Jarvis mentioned. "Please be a secret door. Please be a secret door. Please be a secret door. Yay." Tony says as he goes and pushes on the wall. Man, he can be such a dork sometimes, but it's honestly adorable. Tony looks over at me and sees my amused expression. "What?" He asks.

"Oh, nothing. You're just cute when you're excited." I say to him.

We step into through and see a long-padded hallway and I'm torn. I'm torn between going with him and collecting as many files as possible and information I can from the main room. Tony sees my hesitation. "Why don't you stay back and get the hard copy files we need, and I'll check this out. Just stay on comms."

I smile at him. "Sounds great, just be careful and watch your six. Gosh dang it I've been around Steve to much; I'm starting to sound like him."

He gives me an amused smile. "Yeah, we're gonna have to fix that."

He then leaves with his suit following him still in Sentry Mode. That left me alone in the room with my own suit. I turn back around and first make sure Jarvis is still getting the electronic files. After that I turn to all the hardcopies. There's definitely too many to go through right now but I decide to focus in on the files that first caught my attention. It was a folder sitting on top of a pile and it just had one date on it, 1945.

I grab the file and open it. The entire file is written in Russian so I can't read it, but I can tell that it is on Bucky. "We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage." I suddenly hear Steve say through the comms. "Guys I got Strucker." He says a few minutes later.

"Yeah. I got something bigger." I hear Tony say in what sounded like disbelief. I wonder what he could have possibly found that would make him act this way.

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