Chapter 37

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May 2012

Marlie's POV

I've officially known Tony for over two years now and it has been some of the best years of my life. I've spent my time helping out at Stark Industries with both Tony and Pepper and flying around with Tony as Infinity.

It took less than a month for us to finish my suit. My suit looks like Tony's, but with a more feminine style. It is also black and gold with a small infinity symbol overtop of the arc reactor. Tony suggested the black and gold because it matched the quilt that my mother made me. So far we have created four different versions of the suit. My favorite one being the foldable suitcase one.

I've also gotten a lot closer to Natasha over the years. Whenever she has any free time, we'll meet up and if we can't meet in person we'll talk over the phone. She has become my confidant on things that I can't discuss with Tony, which is basically Tony himself.

The more I get to know the real Tony and the longer I'm around him the more difficult it is to ignore how he affects me. Nat thinks that we should get together but I'm hesitant. Not because of him but because of me. The thought of being with someone in that way is terrifying to me. I know Tony wouldn't do to me what my father did to my mother, but the fear within me is enough to hold me back. Whenever anything like that comes up I just shove it deep down. As much as a part of me wants more, I will be content with what we have. I just hope that its enough for him too.

I've also gotten to know Pepper and Blake better. I even received an invitation to their wedding last year. It was a fun day of celebrating. Pepper and I even went dress shopping before hand for me to pick out a nice dress. The night of their wedding was so magical. I caught the bouquet, which Pepper and Nattie (Natasha) still tease me about, and the rest of the night I spent dancing, drinking, and talking with Tony.

The past nine months, Tony and I have been flying back and forth between our Malibu home and New York City. We've been designing and overseeing the construction of the new Stark Tower in New York City. Tony and I personally designed the whole building and built most of the complicated aspects of it that we didn't trust others to do.

Thankfully there hasn't been much need for Tony and I in the superhero aspect of our world. We've flown a few small missions together, but so far nothing to big.

About a month after our first mission people were starting to form conspiracies on who Infinity was. They were also trying to figure out the identity of the mystery woman that was always by Tony's side. After some discussion Tony introduced me to the press as Marlie Edwards a brilliant MIT graduate from Boston, who was also Infinity. We gave them my SHIELD fabricated backstory, only a handful of people were authorized to know about my real past. Since then there has been a constant flow of theories on how we met and if we were secretly dating. Tony and I just ignored them for the most part.

The press hasn't been to bad, but I think Tony may be playing a part in that. He knows I'm not comfortable with all of the attention and since the first press conference I haven't had to much of a problem. I don't know what he did but he did something.

In our limited spare time Tony and I have been investigating the events of how I got here and my missing time. Because most of my notes on the actual project were destroyed, we've hit a wall and it doesn't look like we'll ever learn what actually happened. Its okay though, I've come to accept it and just be thankful for what I have now. I'm trying to learn to live in the present and not the past. Besides the whole point of finding answers was just to abate my curiosity, since I know that I don't ever go back. I'm not sure that if given the chance I would even want to go back.

I'm standing at a large monitor in the penthouse of the new Stark Tower, looking at the power mainframe levels, with Tony's face in the corner of my screen. We're in the final stages of putting the finishing touches on the tower.

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