Chapter 134

71 2 14

April 5, 2018

Marlie's POV

The rest of my pregnancy flew by. We continued to monitor the baby's as they developed and to everyone's relief nothing seemed a miss. Around week 34 of my pregnancy, I got put on strict bedrest, much to my dismay, but if I was going to make it through this pregnancy, it needed to happen. It ended up not be to bad though. The extra time gave me a chance to finish the preparations I needed to do for the future. Now it was a matter of waiting for the events to start unfolding, since I don't actually know when this future will happen. This extra time has also allowed me to spend more quality time with Rosie. While Tony was working in the lab, Rosie would often come in with some toys or books and spend a lot of time playing with me. It was quality time I would cherish forever. Tony has also been so caring. He does anything and everything I need, and I couldn't be more grateful.

I was now 38 weeks along. I couldn't believe that I made it this far into the pregnancy. Blake warned at the beginning that twins don't usually make it past 32 weeks. The fact that I've made it this far has given everyone more peace of mind towards the idea of a homebirth. We still set up a portion of the lab as a makeshift hospital area with all the equipment we could possibly need. Blake even had and emergency vehicle on standby just in case.

This past week, I'd been feeling several Braxton hicks contractions, so I knew it would be soon. I had told Tony when they started, and Blake came over to do a checkup. When he was done, he told us that it would be sometime this week and gave us signs to look for. We were beyond excited, but I was also very nervous. Rose's birth was difficult, but I was able to get an epidural and she was just one baby. This time it's going to be all natural and I'm not only going to have to push out one, but two babies. It wasn't something I was looking forward to.

I woke up to some quiet mumbling. It took me a moment to realize that Tony was leaning over my huge belly talking quietly to the little ones. Another difference from my pregnancy with Rose, Tony and I don't have names picked out for the babies yet. We've discussed different options, but we're waiting to meet them to decide.

I laid there and watching as Tony continued to talk and kiss my belly, not realizing that I was awake yet. He must have noticed the change in my breathing because he looks up and smiles at me.

"Having fun there?" I ask him.

He chuckled and came up to kiss me. "Hmm. Just chatting with my little melons."

I looked up at him and smiled. I have never been more in love with him that at this moment.

"Melons huh?" I smirked at him.

He chuckled. "Yep, they looked like melons on the ultrasound and that's what I'm calling them."

He leaned down and continued to leave kisses down my jaw and onto my neck. I moan with pleasure. I've found that whenever I'm pregnant my sex drive seems to be turn up to dial ten and Tony liked to take full advantage of this claiming, he is doing me a service. It just made me laugh because I know my husband. He was enjoying it just as much as I am.

Before things could escalate to quickly though we hear little cries coming from the baby monitor. Tony rolls off me and we both sigh.

"I swear she can be the biggest cock block sometimes." Tony says.

I look over at him and see a teasing expression on his face as he leans over for one last kiss before racing from the bedroom to get Rosie. I just smile. He may say stuff like that, but he doesn't really mean a word of it. I love the way he looks at our daughter. He is enthralled with her and will even be greedy with her attention. Being a dad suits him.

While Tony was getting Rosie, I got up and went to the bathroom before changing into a clean pair of sweats and returning to bed. Due to my huge belly, I was super slow at everything and simple things like going to the bathroom was challenging.

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