Chapter 33

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Marlie's POV

I spent the flight to New York being carried by Tony. It wasn't ideal but it was the only way to get there quickly. Along the way we came up with a plan.

Tony dropped me off behind the building before he left to make an entrance and to fill Rhodey in on the situation.

The plan was for me to sneak backstage and trigger the alarms to get people to evacuate before anything happened. I had just reached the controls, gaining access through a Stark Expo badge that Tony gave me. I was about to trigger the alarms when I heard Tony through the comms.

"Is that you?" I couldn't hear Rhodes' response but based off of Tony's reaction it wasn't great.

"Marlie, trigger the alarms, then try and access Rhodey's suit. Someone is controlling it." I start doing what he said. "Tony, you good?"

"Oh, yeah just great. I got this don't worry about me just do what you can to break in we need to own him."

"On it"

While I work, I catch pieces of what's going on through the earpiece. I manage to break into the comms system of Rhodey's suit giving both me and Tony more direct communication with him. I have the alarms sounding, but its almost pointless now.

"Marlie, there are still people in the upper levels of the audience. Send security up there to help with the evacuation."

"I got it don't worry. You just focus on your part, and I'll do mine."

Suddenly I hear Hammer behind me. "What's going on? What's happening?"

"Your software has been overridden." I tell him as I continue to work on gaining access to the suit and drones.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I am the person, that is trying to fix you stupid ass mistakes and save as many people as possible possible. Now, Vanco has taken over the software and slaved the drones. He played you Hammer just to get to me and Tony. Call the guards and check for yourself."

Hammer turned to one of his men. "Well, call them."

They try but the phones are down, and they aren't picking up their cells. They continue to argue behind me as I work.

"Who's locked you out of the mainframe?" I look up just long enough to see Natasha and Pepper approaches Hammer.

"Please, just go away. I've got this handled." Hammer claims. I look up as this idiot.

"Have you?" Pepper yells at him.

At this I jump in shoving him backwards against the desk and get as close to his face as my short frame will allow. "You got this?" I yell. "Innocent people are dying out there because you couldn't handle the fact that you aren't even in the same league as Tony. You are doing nothing but getting in the way and being a distraction. So, get out of my way and shut up so I can work."

I turn back around to sit at the consoles when Hammer grabs my wrist aggressively. He only holds it for a moment though before Natasha stepped in and slammed him into the table. When she did this, I saw a look of shock and a bit of fear cross Pepper's face. I didn't blame her Natasha could be scary when she wanted to be.

"Now you tell me who's behind this. Who's behind this?" She had his arm twisted painfully behind his back as she pressed him against the table. I turned back to the computer, but I continued to listen to Natasha behind me.

"Ivan, Ivan Vanco." He breathed out.

"Where is he?"

"My facility."

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