Chapter 69

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Marlie's POV

I've lost track of how long I've been here as I've been going through the long process of receiving Extremis. Each step has been different and takes about six hours to complete. With the first round, which was the clear liquid. I mainly just felt cold and tired. I slept through most of that one. The blue liquid is the one I'm just finishing up now, which has been painful. It feels like liquid ice scratching it's way through my veins. After the ice it became overly hot and cause my entire body to experience shaking spells and numbness. It's been a strange experience, especially since I can feel my body fighting it. There is something in my that is fighting the change and I'm not sure what it is. The doctor has also noticed and keeps coming in to check on me.

I've kept trying to use my powers to help me escape but, they don't seem to be working. My theory is that they aren't working because they're what's fighting Extremis. I just hope that they win. I don't want to become a weapon for Killian.

Since I've been here for so long, I've had a long time to think and listen. The doctor's and scientist have not been good about keeping their conversations to themselves. From what I've heard I've been able to piece together, what I'm pretty sure is the truth. The main thing being, that Killian is the real Mandarin, behind everything.

About a hour ago there was some big commotion about two other high value prisoner being brought in. I didn't catch who they are and I really hope one of them isn't Tony, but I have a sinking feeling that he is one of them.

Since this second stage of treatment is over, I'm trying my best to relax and let my body recover. I'm exhausted and I don't know how much more of this my body can take. I have a feeling that this next round will be way worse than either of the rounds before and I'm worried that my body won't be able to take it.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts, by Killian himself entering the room. I'm so tired and kinda out of it when he walks up to me and grabs my jaw, making me look at him. "How's are patient? Huh?" I groan as his tight grip sends waves of pain through my body. "It's time for you final round and remember to smile this time. Your on film."

I give him a questioning look. He just chuckles. "It's time for you to play the part of damsel in distress and I really need Tony on my side so feel free to play it up a bit."

Anger. That is what I feel. "You're going to regret this. He will never help you." I say through clenched teeth.

He smirks. "We'll see about that." And with that he lets me go and nods to the doctor, who injects the orange liquid into my IV.

The moment the it reaches my arm, I feel like liquid fire is spreading through every inch of my body and I clench my jar, trying not to cry out. I can feel it travel through me as an unimaginable pain slowly works it's way through me. Just as I think it can't get any worse, it does. Suddenly, my body starts waging war on itself. I can feel a powerful part of me fighting Extremis causing the pain to double. I can't contain it anymore. I let out a sharp cry of pain as tears stream down my face. I can only form one thought. 'I hope Tony doesn't see this.'

Tony's POV

I woke up zip tied to an old metal bedframe. I open my eyes and look around. I appear to be in some makeshift, rundown lab, with Maya Hansen standing over a computer. I should have guessed that she was involved.

"Ah..." I sigh as I mess with the restraints. "Okay."

Maya turns around in her chair with a cocky grin on her face. "It's just like old times, huh?"

"Oh, yeah. With zip ties. It's a ball." I say sarcastically.

"It wasn't my idea." She says but I don't care I'm tired of being played.

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