Chapter 10

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Eddie's POV

It was a short car ride from the warehouse to Stark's guesthouse, but I decided to take this time to learn more about the soldier and maybe her feelings towards him.

"I still can't believe all that's happened. Doing the experiment, and it actually working better than I imagined, then watching the doctor die, the last of the serum is now destroyed, Howie and I trying and failing to understand that stupid sub, and now we're going to London without the soldier."

Peggy just nods along. "Why do you call him the soldier? Why not Steve?"

"Is that his name." I meant it to come across as playful sarcasm, but Peggy just frowns.

"He really is a good man."

I just shrug. "I wouldn't know. I know nothing about him except that he lied on his enlistment forms several times and that now that he is physically different, he is some big deal. I know I should not judge, but there is just something about him that rubs me wrong."

She just gives me a look.

"Yeah, I know it's crazy and I know you like him."

Her cheeks blush a deep scarlet.

"No, I don't."

Now it is my turn to give her a look that says I do not believe you. "There's nothing wrong with having a crush."

"I know. He seems to understand having to fight for the respect of others. He recognizes that I must work harder than any man to get where I am, and he respects me because of it. He is the only man that I have met that treats me like an equal. He's just different and I like it."

"I've never seen you smitten before. It's kind of fun."

"Wipe that smirk off you face this instant. I have a crush that is all. It's not like I'm going to runoff with him."

"Yes, because that would be very difficult to do from different continents."

She gives a small laugh at this, which brings the smirk back to my face.

"So, what about you? Anyone special in your life? Howard maybe"

The change in the conversation brings a sick feeling to my stomach for many reasons. First, Howie, absolutely not; he is almost ten years older than me, and our relationship has always been more of a sibling relationship. Or I at least assume that since me and my brothers are not close. The second and most important point is that I will NEVER get married, not after seeing what it did to my mother.

Peggy most of all noticed the change in my demeaner because as we finally come to a stop in front of the large house, she turns to face me.

"Are you alright?"

I am beginning to panic. This is not a conversation I want to have while being sleep deprived or with Peggy for that matter. It is nothing to do with Peggy, I do not want to have this conversation with anyone. I do not do well with sharing personal information, I guess you could say I have deep-seated trust issues. Peggy is still staring at me with such a sweet look on her face that I decide to share just enough to end this conversation. But I do allow myself a brief moment to collect myself.

"Yeah, I just wasn't expecting that question that's all." I am suddenly incredibly nervous, so I start playing with my hands and completely avoiding eye contact. "It's just that Howie and I aren't like that, thank god, because I am never ever going to get married. I've never wanted to be married and nothing and no one, especially a Stark will change my mind."

She has this look on her face, that I cannot interpret but I ignore it since she drops the topic all together and gets out of the car. I soon follow her, allowing myself a minute to clear my head.

"Alright, you go and get yourself cleaned up and I will pack for you."

I nod and head into the washroom to draw a bath. Once I am clean, I exit the room and see that Peggy is gone. She must have gone home to pack herself. I look at the clock on the shelf and see that I have two hours before I need to leave. Perfect. I quickly roll my hair in heated rollers and then laid down. It takes me twenty minutes to realize that my stubborn brain is not going to let me sleep.

Frustrated, I get up and contemplate going to the lab but eventually decide against it. Instead, I go over to my desk and sift through all the letters that I have received from my family. After the first couple of months my brothers stopped writing me, but I receive a letter from my mother every week.

I grab a pen and paper from my desk and decide to write a letter. I should inform her that I will no longer be in the country, but at an active war zone. Not that I will be fighting but still she should know.

Dear Nancy,

I hope this letter finds you well. How is Jasper and Tommy doing? I have not heard from them in a while. Also, have you finished your quilt yet. I have loved hearing about your progress and intricate patterns. I am glad that you have found a way to occupy your mind.

You will never believe what I have been doing since our last letter. I have started studying energy and all its different forms. I have an idea for an energy reactor, which may help create affordable energy. If I can figure it out. Consulting with Howie has kept me very busy as of late. Do not get me wrong, I love working with him, but it gets stressful at times.

I know I cannot tell you about my government projects, but you should know that I am about to leave the country. The military needs mine and Howie's brains to help solve a particular problem. I do not know how long I will be gone, but by the time you are reading this I will already be there. I cannot tell you where I am going, but I promise to write you as often as I can. If you wish to write me, please continue sending them here. I will have Jarvis send them to me.

Best Wishes,


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