Chapter 41

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Marlie's POV

When we arrived several SHIELD agents came and take Loki away and Natasha led Tony and I to a room set up as a workshop with cases to store our suits. We both exited our suits and Tony put his away, while I put mine on a worktable and begin to examine it.

"It looks like the arc reactor is fine but the dispersal system is severely damaged. All my power is just draining out of the suit." I said to Tony, who had moved to stand next to me.

"Don't worry we'll fix it, until we can get one of your other ones. I'm sure they'll have everything we need here." Tony turns to me and places his hands on my arms. "Are you all right? You took quite a few hits back there."

I lean my forehead onto his chest and let his arms wrap around me. "Yeah, I'm fine. I have a killer headache though."

"From the fight?" He was starting to sound concerned so before he gets to worried I reassure him.

"No, it started before the fight, when we first met Loki and Rogers." He begins rubbing my back as I speak helping my tense muscles relax a bit. We stay like this for a longtime, just enjoying the peaceful moment. After a bit I decide that now will be the best time to bring up my concerns with him, who knows when we'll get another moment alone like this.

"Tony, I think Fury is hiding something from us. Nothing is adding up, we need to figure out the truth if we are going to have any chance of winning." Tony, just squeezed me tighter.

"Don't worry I came prepared." He didn't have time to elaborate because we are interrupted by Coulson standing in the doorway.

"Oh, um, sorry." He says awkwardly as Tony and I turn to him, with Tony still hold me against his side, which I lean into. "Um, everyone is gathering on the bridge and you're both needed."

I nod and start to leave holding Tony's hand. As Tony and I are exiting the room he turns to me "I'll catch up. I'm going to talk with Agent Coulson on getting what we need to fix your suit."

Before he lets me go he leans in a kisses the top of my head making me blush. Tony just smirks and lets me go.

I walk onto the bridge and see them all watching a security feed of Loki talking to Fury. An awkward quiet dark haired man, that I recognized as Bruce Banner, comes up to me offering his hand.

"Bruce Banner, its a pleasure to meet you." We shake hands.

"Marlie Edwards, its nice to meet you too. I'm a huge fan of your work. I've read several of your books, they're very interesting." As I shook his hand, my head felt like it was going to burst, so I quickly let go and went over to sit by Natasha.

I was having trouble focusing. I didn't even realize that the security feed was gone until, Banner speaks. I pushed the pain aside and try to focus.

"He really grows on you doesn't he?"

"Loki's going to drag this out. So, Thor what's his play?" Leave it to the Rogers to stay on task.

"He has the army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard or of any known world. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the earth. In return I suspect, for the Tesseract."

"An army? From outer space?" The Captain's disbelief would have been comical if it weren't for the fact that I was also struggling to wrap my head around it.

"So he's building another portal. That's what he needs Erik Selvig for." I looked over at Banner as he spoke.

"Selvig?" Thor asked.

"He's an astrophysicist." Banner replied to Thor.

"He's a friend." Thor says.

I remember reading about it in Thor's files.

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