Chapter 54

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Marlie's POV

I woke up late the next morning still in Tony's arms. I decided to just lay there for a bit, enjoying the feeling of his embrace.

"I thought I lost you yesterday." I heard Tony whisper into my hair. I thought Tony was still asleep, but I guess not. I look up at him. "And I thought I lost you. But we didn't. I'm okay and your okay, that's what matters."

I know we talked about this last night, but when I looked into his brown eyes I see anguish in them. "Hey." I started quietly as I brought my good hand to his face. "I'm alright."

I wrapped my arm around him as he pulled me tightly into his chest. I don't know how long we stayed like this, but we didn't break apart for a while. We would have stayed like that longer if it weren't for my stomach choosing that moment to growl loudly. A slight blush rose to my face as Tony pulled away.

"Your cute when you blush." Tony suddenly said, only causing me to blush even more.

Tony just chuckled and kiss the top of my hair before getting up from the bed. We both them got ready, with Tony having to help me again. Before leaving the tower, Tony brought me more pain medication, which I took happily. He seemed to have picked up on the fact that I am awful at remembering to take medication and has taken it upon himself to make sure, that I do. We take Tony's two seat convertible and stop by a café for a late breakfast, before meeting the team. After breakfast we get back in the car and head to the designated meeting spot.

We sit in silence for a minute, just enjoying each other's presence. "How are you feeling about Thor taking the Tesseract? I know it's your last tie to your past and your only chance at possibly returning to it." I was surprised by the question and I could tell, that he didn't like the thought of me possibly leaving.

I had to shift in my seat to face him, since I had the Tesseract case at my feet. "I think it's for the best. The Tesseract has caused me more problems that not..." His face saddens a little at this, I know what he's thinking and he couldn't be more wrong, so I quickly continue. "...but me coming here wasn't one of them." He brightens a bit at this, giving me a small smile before turning his attention back to the road. "At first I thought coming here was the worst thing that could have happened to me, but I was wrong. You proved me wrong. Having you and Nattie has been one of the best things to happen to me. I wouldn't trade the time I had with Howie and Peggy for anything, but I also wouldn't change coming here, because it brought me to you." I give him a small smile and he reaches over and squeezes my hand as he drives.

"I wouldn't trade our time for anything. You have been the best thing to ever happen to me." He suddenly smiles and continues. "And to be honest if you had tried to go back, I would have definitely tried to stop you." We both laugh lightly at this, before he gets quiet. "I need you Marlie."

"I need you too Tony." I gently squeeze his hand.

We pull up to the designated meeting spot and Tony and I get out of the car. I grab the case with the Tesseract and walk around the car. Tony walks up to me and takes the case in one hand and my hand in the other. We walk hand in hand over to Thor and Loki, as the others join us as well.

I look around and smile. When I arrived in this time, I had nothing. No family, no friends, no connection to my past, but that couldn't be further from the truth now. I look around at these people, this team and smile. We may have only come together a few days ago, but they have already become important to me. I can't wait to see where life will take us. As we all stand together I shoot everyone a smile. When I look at Nattie, she winks as me and raises an eyebrow. I have an idea of what she is asking and I shake my head. She just smirks in response. We all stand in a circle around Thor and Loki after saying our good byes and watch as they use the Tesseract to leave.

I bring my lips to Tony's ear. "I'll be right back." He smirks and lets me go as Banner come up to him.

I walk over to Natasha as Steven goes to join Banner Tony. "Hey, Nattie. So where are you off to?"

"Not sure yet. What about you? You and Tony get together yet." She teased.

I playfully smacked he in the arm. "No! And we're still not going too." Even as I said it I could hear the change in my voice. Hell, I wasn't even convincing myself, let alone Nattie, who is a trained spy and can smell lies.

"Sure." She smirks clearly not believing me.

Clint then comes up to us. "Ready?" he asks her.

"Yeah" she tells him and then turns back to me. "Don't be a stranger." She then pulls me in for a hug.

"Wow, the Russian has a heart after all. Who knew." I tease her.

She glares at me. "Shut up Edwards." Clint and I just laugh.

"See you guys later." I call to them with a wave. I'm about to head over to Tony, when I'm stopped by Rogers.

"Eddie, wait." I turn to him.

"You know it's Marlie now." I sigh, but still smile at him.

"Yeah, I know sorry. Old habits."

"Its alright Steve. I kinda like be called that again. It's been a while." I see a huge smile on his face. "What?"

"You finally called me Steve." I glare at him.

"Keep it up and I'll go back to the Captain." I try to keep a straight face, but can't help but laugh. "It's good to have you back Steve. I wasn't sure what to expect at first, but I'm happy to have you back in my life." I give him a genuine smile, which he returns.

"It's good to have you back too. It'll be nice having a friend, who can relate." Steve says and at this moment, I am truly glad to call Steve a friend. He may get on my nerves at times, but he is a piece of my past. A connection between both of my lives and I wouldn't dismiss it lightly. The fears that I once had about having him in my life again are long gone, and I'm happier for it.

I give him a quick goodbye hug before walking over to Tony, who is standing by the car with a weird look on his face. 'Is that jealousy I see in his eyes.' I can't help but chuckle to myself. As I get closer I see Banner sitting in the passenger seat of his convertible. My smile immediate fades and  I look over at Tony only to see him smirking at me.

"No, I'm never sitting in your lap again." I tell him.

"Never? I'm hurt Marlie." He holds his chest like I wounded him and then smiles. I just glare at him.

I choose to ignore his comment and just stand there stubbornly. Bruce shifts uncomfortably in the car and he watched mine and Tony's interaction.

"Fine, but only because I'm to sore from yesterday to walk." I finally give in.

Tony just smirks triumphantly as I sit in his lap and he drives us away.

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