Chapter 87

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Marlie's POV

"Marlie! Marlie! Baby, please wake up!" I can hear Tony's worried voice. I slowly open my eyes and see Tony kneeling over me looking worried. "Hey there's my favorite pair of green eyes." He says still looking worried, but also relieved that I'm awake.

As if waking up from a nightmare, everything that I saw, and experiences rushes back, and my body reacts. I quickly sit up and jerkily look around the room in a panic scootching backwards on the floor.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. You're okay. You're okay. It wasn't real. It wasn't real." Tony says trying to calm me down.

I finally meet his eyes and fling myself into him. He holds me tight to his chest. I can't help but see a flash of him dead in front of me and just squeeze him tighter. The strange this is that he seems just as desperate to hold onto me. And he just continues to say it wasn't real, as if he was trying to convince both of us.

"Stark. Edwards. You guys alright. We're all ready to go out here." We hear Steve through the comms.

I slowly pull away and just nod to Tony letting him know that I was okay now. Granted that wasn't actually the case but still. "Yeah Cap, we're just getting the last of the file organized to be transported to HQ." I say after composing myself. Tony just gives me a strange look and I just point to the pile of boxes I was organizing before the witch hit me.

I then stand up and Tony does the same. I know he wants to talk, honestly so do I, but now isn't the time and we both know it. As Tony goes over to get the device Jarvis was using to collect the information on, I go over to the pile of files and grab the one on Bucky, to give to Steve. The rest can be transported later.

After grabbing the file, I stow it away in my suit and suit up. I then see Tony suit up and grab the scepter, that I just noticed was sitting on the ground next to where I passed out. Tony must have been holding it when he found me.

We both fly out headed for the jet. "We're headed your way Cap." Tony says.

We both land a few minutes later. Tony places the scepter down in a case I designed to transport it and we both get out of our armor. I immediately walk over to Clint, who is laying on a medic table connected to an IV. I can feel the jet start to take off and know that Tony is currently in the cockpit.

"Barton, I thought we talked about this." I say to him teasingly.

"About what specifically? Sorry I forgot." He groans back trying to sound teasing.

"I thought you just hurt your side, not your head to." I say back in the same tone. He just smirks. "But seriously what were you thinking. You can't keep getting hurt like this. One of these days we're not going to be there to save your ass." I say in a slightly more serious tone.

"Aw, it's nice to know you care Marlie. And besides you know you're one to talk. How many time have you been hurt on missions." He retorts back and I just roll my eyes.

"To many." Nat says as she suddenly appears next to me.

I give her a look. "Hey, I thought you were on my side." I accuse.

"Nope sorry Marlie. You can't make me choose between my two best friends so I'm on the side of neither of you getting hurt."

I just laugh at this. "Always the middleman, huh Nattie."

She just shakes her head and walks over to Bruce. I look back down at Clint. "Get some rest we'll be there soon." He just nods and does what I said.

I then debate going over to see Tony or not, but I'm not ready to talk about what I saw, so I go over to the scepter instead. Thor and Cap were already standing over it when I approached, but no one says anything.

I just stare at the gem trying to figure out what it all means. My visions, the gem, my powers, and their strange connection to the gem. I know now that the Tesseract is just a housing unit for the real power inside and I'm starting to wonder if it's the same with this gem. My powers also seem to have some form of connection to theses strange stones I keep seeing. Man, this whole thing is giving me a headache.

"Thor, report on the Hulk." Nat suddenly says pulling me from my thoughts.

"The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims." Thor suddenly says, getting horrified looks from Nat, Steve, and myself. Not to mention what it does to Banner.

Thor quickly realizes his mistake and tries to recover. "But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and gout." As Thor is talking, he slowly realizes that he is just making it worse and slowly begins to trail off.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Great job buddy." I say sarcastically.

Thankfully Tony picked the perfect moment to change the subject. "Hey, Banner, Dr. Cho is on her way in from Seoul. Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?"

"Yeah, she knows her way around." Bruce says back.

"Thanks." Tony says before speaking to Jarvis and leaving the cockpit.

I turn my attention back to the scepter. There me be a lot of unanswered questions surrounding this scepter, but one thing for sure is that our lives should hopefully begin to slow down. I might even have time to actually begin to figure out these powers of mine and these strange visions. If these visions are real, then I really need to figure them out.

"It feels good, yeah?" Tony says now standing next to Thor also in front of the scepter. "I mean, we've been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but..."

"No, but this... this brings it to a close." Thor finishes.

"It's about damn time too." I say and then turn to Steve. "Pardon my French Captain." I say smirking.

"Really Edwards, you are too." Steve says looking at me. He then turns back to the scepter becoming serious again. "It's all over as soon as we find out what else this has been used for. I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?" Steve says. I just nod along thinking back to my own encounter with one of the enhanced.

"Banner, Marlie, and I will give it the once over before it goes back to Asgard." Tony then turns to Thor. "Is that cool with you?" Thor nods and Tony continues to speak. "Just a few days till the farewell party. You're staying right?"

"Yes, yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels." Thor says in reply.

Tony then leans forward on the glass top of the case. "Yeah, who doesn't love revels? Captain?"

"Hopefully this puts an end to both the Chitauri and Hydra. So, yes, revels." Steve replies.

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