Chapter 55

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1 Week Later

Marlie's POV

The week following the events of New York have been hectic for Tony and I. Bruce spent the first couple of days with us, but sensing our desire to go home he eventually left. The reason We are even still here is because of the tower. There is so much that still has to be done while on site, mostly regarding repairs. We have also decided to change the tower, from Stark Tower to Avengers Tower, just in case we ever need to get the team back together. I just hope it won't be anytime soon.

The media had completely blown up since the battle and Tony and I have had to work even harder to stay away from the press. Whenever we leave the tower, we are almost instantly bombarded by reporters or paparazzi. It's exhausting and honestly we both just want to go home and put the whole thing behind us.

I've tried helping out in anyway that I can, but my shoulder has limited my ability to do curtain things. A couple of day after the battle I was in the lab, cleaning up. I tried to lift a turned over table and my shoulder completely gave out on me. I fell to the ground clutching my shoulder in pain. That's how Tony found me a few minutes later, having been alerted by Jarvis. He tried to make me go to the hospital, but I stubbornly refused. After a couple of hours spent in pain I finally conceded. Tony drove me to the hospital, where we learned that I completely tore one of the muscle in my shoulder. The doctor suggested surgery to fix it, but I decided to go with a brace instead. After that Tony didn't let me do anything for myself that require that arm. It was very sweet, but I was also getting annoyed with him. Which is partially why I decided to make a quick solo trip before going home tomorrow, which is how I have found myself walking into Peggy's room at the retirement facility.

"Eddie! It's good to see you again. I've been watching you on tv." I match her smile as I walk in the room. The nurses told me that she was having a good day today.

"Hey, Pegs. How've you been."

She looks me up and down from her chair as I cross over and sit on her bedside.

"I'm perfect. But you look awful." She tells me straight out.

I give her a smirk. "Yeah, I feel like shit, but I'll be alright."

"Now what is it that you wanted to talk about?" I chuckle lightly at her straightforwardness.

"I can't get anything by you." I tell her softly.

"Not anymore. You don't hide your feelings behind your walls anymore." I just shrug. I don't know when it happened but she is right, most of my walls have come down, around people I care about.

I sit there in silence for a moment, trying to figure out how to word my thoughts, but it turns out that I didn't need to.

"Is this about Tony Stark?" My head shot up from looking at the floor to her eyes.

"How? Wh..." I'm at a loss for words.

She chuckles at my inability to speak. "I told you. You're easier to read. Now. What seems to be the problem?"

I take a moment to collect my thoughts. "I don't know. Before everything was simple. We were both friends and I was content with that, now..." I trail off.

"Now you want more." Peggy finishes for me.

I just nod. We sit there is silence for a minute before I start talking again. "It's weird. All my life I was terrified of the prospect of having a relationship with someone, but now it's just a different type of terrified." I look up at Peggy and just see her smiling at me. "What?"

"Nothing. It's just Howard and I always hoped you'd find someone, who could break down your walls and love you for the amazing women you are. It almost seems fitting for it to be Howard's son." I smile shyly.

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