Chapter 79

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Marlie's POV

This is the second time I've been unconscious in six hours and I'm definitely tired of it. At least this time I seem to be in a bed instead of under a building. I eventually open my eyes and take in my surroundings. I seem to be in a dark dank room that has been made up into a makeshift hospital room. But I must be hallucinating because on my left is another bed and, in that bed, looks like an injured Nick Fury.

"It's about time you woke up." He states.

"You know I always thought that the afterlife would be nicer than this. I was hoping for at least better company." I smirk as I try and sit up but end up wincing.

"You're hilarious." He says sarcastically. "You've been out for a while. When they brought you in you looked like death?"

I chose to ignore his remark. "What happened?"

"You had a building explode and fall on you. You were suffering from exhaustion, a concussion, and a couple of badly bruised ribs. Your face doesn't look so hot either." He tells me plainly.

I sigh taking everything in. "Speaking of, how are you alive? I watched you die?"

"I used a drug that Banner developed. It slows the heart to one beat per minute. I had to fake my death. Can't kill you if you're already dead." He says plainly.

I just nod. We both sit there is silence. I have so many questions but thanks to the concussion, my thoughts are jumbled. Once I get my thought organized, I look up at him. "What am I doing here, Nick?"

"You mean other than the fact that you needed medical treatment and if we didn't bring you in Stark was going to track us down and get you. I'm still not convinced that he won't. But that's not the question you're asking, is it? I think the better question is why you." He pauses letting me take his words in. I just sit there waiting for him to continue. "Why you. It's an interesting question." He sighs before continuing. "I found evidence on the Lemurian Star, a SHIELD ship, and hired pirates to go aboard and take it over. I needed a way on the ship. I sent Rogers to get rid of the Pirates and Romanoff to download the information. It was the proof I needed. I wasn't able to fully access it, but it did lead me to Project Insight. It's Hydra's new plan for world domination and it just might work too. It uses something called Zola's algorithm to locate targets, based on people's history to determine if they will be a future threat to them. They're putting this algorithm into the three new helicarriers and once they reach 3000 feet, they will take out the targets. A few million at a time."

I let out a deep breath. "So, what can I do?"

"Once Hill brings in Rogers and Romanoff, we'll need to work together to replace the targeting chips in the helicarriers. I need you to make these chips." He says plainly.

I nod. "I can do that. Do you have the schematics of the existing chips? I need to make sure the new chip is compatible or there won't be any point in make one."

"Yeah. Doc here will show you where you can work. You should have everything you need." He says pointing to a man that just walked in.

I nod. I'm about to get up but there is still one more thing I need to ask. "What's the statis on Rogers and Romanoff?"

"Unsure, Hill is still tracking them down." He says. "Do you have any way of contacting them?"

"No, sorry. I know they're somewhere in DC but that's it. We weren't meant to get separated."

"Sir?" I asked and he looked up at me questioningly. "What do you know of Zola?"

He thinks back. "After the war, as SHIELD was first starting out. It recruited different scientist with strategic value. But you know this."

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