Draken // Dirty Little Secret

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You are a quiet person. You were the type of person that is always alone in the corner of your classroom. You don't vibe with anyone or... You just don't want to, you like it that way. For you having friends is just troublesome, it's high school! Once you all graduate you'll soon forget each other.

But being alone has its downside. You're always taken advantage of by your classmates like right now, it's the group's duty to clean your classroom but they all left so you ended up cleaning everything by yourself.

"Don't worry y/n, one more year and you'll be out of here. You will soon leave this place. You'll go to college far away from here." You whisper to yourself.

You're erasing the chalkboard but you can't reach the top. You groan from annoyance while you tiptoe your feet to reach the upper part of the chalkboard.

You were startled when someone took the eraser from your hand and started to erase the top part.

"Thank you." You mumbled and turn your back to face the one who helped you. It's your classmate, Ken.

"Why are you alone? This is a group duty, right?" He asked.

"They left me. They told me that they have important things to do. But it's fine, I can clean this by myself."

"Even if you can clean all of this by yourself, a group duty is a group duty. Don't let them take advantage of you."

"Yeah." You said, looking down.

"Come on, I'll walk you home." He offered. It took you by surprise because you thought that he's a bad guy due to his reputation as a gang member.

"It's fine, I can walk home."

He chucked. "You're scared of me aren't you?"

"Huh? No." You quickly replied.

He stares at you and smiles. "Well, I won't force you if you're not comfortable. Just be careful." He took something from his bag and gave them to you.

"Here, use this."

You look at your hands and it's a small can of pepper spray.

"Thank you, Ken-san"

"Call me Draken, Ken-san is just too formal," he said and chuckled. You just nod at him.

He waved goodbye and you too. After a couple of minutes of cleaning, you decided to go home.

"Why are you here?! You have duty today, remember?! We need that money to sustain your needs! Don't make me drag you there." Your Auntie said as she puffed some smoke.

"I'm just going to change, teachers are roaming the area. You'll get questioned if they'll see me in uniform."

She paused for a while to think. "Make it fast!"

After your parents died you were passed down to your different relatives. None of them treated you right. For them, you are just a burden left by your parents. They sometimes beat you or tell you things that it's hard to hear and then one day your Auntie drags you to a brothel. She made you work there. She said having you with them is expensive so you need to work to buy food for the table. You didn't even have a chance to hold your own money, they are the ones who get them at the brothel.

"One more year and I'll be leaving this shithole." You whisper to yourself.

You change into a skimpy outfit. You removed your braided hair and put on tons of make-up to make you unrecognizable.

You're afraid that if your classmates saw you they will start a rumor. You're living your high school life in silence, you don't need another problem.

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