If you were turned into a kid for a day

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I totally didn't get this idea in my head then suddenly me and few others in discord talked about it for a bit...There will be a version of you taking care of them as kids also so enjoy.

[Ringmaster Raven]

• He kinda has some idea of taking care of a kid thanks to Edgar being the youngest out of everyone in his carnival.

• He makes sure you have everything you need like food, entertainment ect.

• He will make sure you have lots of love and affection as he never got that as a kid and doesn't want anyone to go through that pain.

• When it's time for bed he would hands down tell you stories to help you sleep which works pretty well. Well maybe to well as he actually falls asleep with you in bed just a bit after you fall asleep.

[Binary Bard]

• He would feel so confused and not know what to do. Thankfully he isn't a total idiot as he makes sure you get food and drinks. Entertainment he just turned on the tv for you.

• He probably would have to chase you around when you have to go to bed to which takes almost an hour of chasing before he gives up and lays on the couch. He then would pass out from exhaustion.

• You would probably get out of your hiding spot and see him asleep on the couch. You would place a blanket over his body before getting on the couch and laying down with him.

• You two have fallen asleep on the couch and Binary Bard actually woke up a bit to see you were on his with a blanket over the two of you. He would consider that a victory in his books and holds you close as he falls back to sleep.


• He honestly would be pretty excited to take care of you when you were turned into a kid.

• Not much experience with kids before beside... hypnotizing them but besides that he does give you food and stuff but entertainment wise he tried his best.

• He probably can't control himself as he would sometimes squeeze your little cheeks because he thinks your just a cute little bean.

• You two pretty much make a pillow fort for the two of you to sleep together in for the night.

[Black Widow]

• She hasn't had much experience with kids like some of the others here but she is determined to be a great parent.

• She not only make sure you're not hungry or thirsty but will also teach you alot about painted and such.

• So most if the day was of you two doing lots of painting or coloring then afterwards you two cleaned up the mess.

• Black Widow will put you to bed as you were quite exhausted from all the painting you did that day.

[Gretchen Grimlock]

• She's would be like the cool aunt when you're turned into a kid.

• She will take you shopping to try on many different outfits, or if you wanted something to eat or drink she didn't care about the price she will get it for you even if it's 10$ for a medium drink.

• Once you two get home you both would look at what you have gotten from shopping and such.

• You would have went to bed in new PJs that she bought for you as they looked so cute on you plus they were quite fashionable.

[Daphne Dreadnaught]

• She first thought you were cursed by a ghost or something. Then afterwards she would be gushing over the fact you looked so adorable.

• She had to grow up kinda early on in her life so she knew how to take care of herself pretty well so it wasn't difficult for her to watch a kid.

• You two would hang out in the living room watching tv, reading a spooky story- well noted to graphic since your a kid, and just having fun.

• By the end if the day the two of you are passed out on the couch from the fun day you two had.

[Count Bram]

• He is a vampire his only experience with kids are those that try and bother him in his castle. But he knows you wouldn't do that so you're a lucky person.

• He made sure you had all the necessary things you need but entertainment wise he actually makes up different stories for you to hear.

• He probably would make sure to keep a close eye on you no matter what as he doesn't want you to wander outside where a werewolf could eat you alive.

• You get worn out pretty fast and  would fall asleep in his arms to which he doesn't move a inch as he didn't want to wake you up from your peaceful slumber.


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