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*DingDong* We heard the doorbell ring. I went to the door and opened it to see Yoongi Oppa and Jimin Oppa standing there with a small smile. Well Jimin had the big smile and Yoongi the small one.

"Heya Sis" Jimin Oppa said suddenly hugging me. "I missed you so much" He said. "Oppa we met less than 2 hours ago" I said slightly pushing him away. "Awe why so cold?" He pouted.

"Hey stop huggin' my girl" HyunJin yelled. I gulped. If they found out about what happened earlier then I'm dead. "What do you mean by your girl?" Yoongi Oppa asked suspiciously narrowing his eyes.

"U-uh nothing l-let's go?" I stuttered. I didn't want to get neither of us in trouble. "No let's see what he means" Yoongj Oppa said pushing me to Jimin Oppa who had the same expression.

"Are you both dating?" Jimin Oppa asked with slight anger. "N-no Oppa! I swear!" I quickly replied. "Stay away from my sister" Yoongi Oppa warned HyunJin but he didn't even seem bothered.

"Why? You're afraid I might spill?" HyunJin said with a smirk. Spill what? "Don't you dare" Yoongi Oppa warned with gritted teeth. "Oh don't worry, I won't.... For now" HyunJin smirked.

"Jimin-ah, take her to the car" He commanded. Jimin Oppa nodded and dragged me to the Mercedes. He turned me to face him with a serious look. "What's going on between you and him?"

"N-nothing Oppa. I promise!" I said. "Are you sure?" He asked narrowing his eyes. I nodded, hoping he won't ask anymore questions. "Hmm fine, but I hope you know the consequences if you lie" He warned.  

I gulped and nodded. A few minutes later, Yoongi Oppa came inside the car. He didn't look too happy, in fact I could see a small scar on his cheek. Did he fight with HyunJin? Ah forget him, did he fight with Ni-Ki for kissing me?


"Alright rats, as you all know, today is our field trip, which is a fancy shmancy word adults use so that the children won't kill the school" The teacher started.

"Since we can't trust y'all to not get pregnant or end up fucking each other, we'll be pairing you up with a responsible senior. If you fuck them then I don't care. I'm not the one who'll end up working 5 shifts at McDonalds at the age of 16 just because I was irresponsible and had a rat with a random boy" The teacher said. Our jaws dropped.

"So here are the pairs, HyunJin and Seongwha, Jungkook and Jimin, YeoSang and Yoshi, Y/N and Taehyung...." Wait, me and the devil? Hell naw bitch. If you're gonna kill me then don't do it like this!

The seniors entered the room and Taehyung specially had a smirk on his face and was staring through my soul. I shivered and looked down. "Let's go to the bus Sis" He said grabbing my hand in his and took me to our bus.

He sat in the very back and pulled me into the seat and made me sit by the window. I clasped my hands together, slowly rubbing them to ease my anxiety. Every time he moved, I could hear a pig-like squeal from the girls sitting across us.

I couldn't blame them. If I wasn't his sister even I would drool over him. He's everything a girl could ask for; Protective, scary, muscular, Tattooed, strong and handsome. Except I don't look at him like that.

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