White Clumpy Discharge: Why Does Discharge Look Like Cottage Cheese?

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Whether it's the first time you've had it or it's a recurrent visitor, here's everything you need to know about this type of discharge....

What does it look like? Thick and lumpy — think cottage cheese.

Is it a problem? Sorry to break it to you but this type of discharge might be a sign of candidiasis AKA yeast infection. Other symptoms of yeast infection can include genital itching/irritation/swelling and pain when you have sex or pee.

If it's any consolation, you're not alone. Around 3 out of 4 women will get a yeast infection at some point in their lives. It occurs when levels of a yeast called candida (which normally exists in the vagina without causing problems) get out of balance and multiply. This is more likely to happen if you are or have recently been on antibiotics, are using hormonal contraception, are pregnant, or have diabetes.

What can you do? Now for some good news ... yeast infection is usually easy to treat. If it's the first time you've had it you should make an appointment with a health care provider to confirm that's what's going on. Once treated — with a tablet, cream, or suppository — yeast infections will usually clear up within 7-14 days.

If you have recurrent yeast infections (more than four per year), see your doctor so they can help you figure out what's causing it. They might suggest a longer course of treatment to try to get rid of it for good.

In addition to that, there are a few things you can try at home that might help alleviate symptoms or prevent getting another yeast infection: washing your vulva/vagina with just water, drying properly after bathing, and wearing loose-fitting cotton pants.
(There's nothing like a good comfy pair of cotton undies, eh ladies?? Best feeling ever!!)

Anything else white clumpy discharge might be? Normal vaginal discharge (which is clear to white) can sometimes contain small clumps, made up of cells your body has shed. It's only when you're seeing larger clumps — they'll look like cottage cheese — that you need to take note.

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