Why Don't Medications Always Help Treat a Yeast Infection?

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There is a wide range of creams, suppositories, vaginal tablets, and oral medications used to treat yeast infections. Many of them are available over the counter. However, despite treatment, some women can't get rid of yeast infection permanently. It may become chronic and recur several times a year. What are the reasons for this?

- The medication used is aimed at eliminating itching and burning but may not have an antifungal effect.

- The antifungal agent isn't strong enough.

- The fungal species may be resistant to the drug being taken.

- The dosage and duration of treatment are not sufficient.

- The infection is secondary to another serious disease. For example, the normal vaginal flora has not recovered after antibiotic therapy.

Therefore, your treatment should be carefully selected by a doctor. This will reduce the risk of a chronic recurrent infection.

** So, every female knows all about Monistat, right?? Well, I thought I had a yeast infection once about three years ago and I use it and almost immediately I felt nauseous and my whole entire body felt like it was in shock and it was burning and making whatever my issue was to begin with, a lot worse! So, if you happen to experience the same reaction- hop in the shower and WASH IT OUT!!
B U T here's my solutions to absolutely any kind of infection that you may have:
Go to your local health food store / vitamin store and pick up a bottle of Colonial Silver. You can get it in spray form, gel form, or liquid form. I always get the liquid and it comes with a dropper. But if they're sold out, get the spray. Anytime I feel itchy or burning in my vag, I worry it's an infection so I'll have my fiancée put some silver up in there. Anytime I feel a cold or flu or feel like I'm getting an infection in my lungs, I'll drink down some silver, UTIs happen to me soooo often and the medication the doctors give you ruin your immune system and also don't cure the issue, it just temporialy puts the issue to rest so I use silver to CURE my infections.
I swear by it! It's a bit pricey, it's forty dollars for a small bottle and eighty dollars for a huge bottle and seventeen dollars for the spray bottle, but it is so worth it. Can't put a price on a cure! And it lasts a long time because you only have to take it when you think you're getting an infection or if you have one. One or two doses usually clears it right up! And the best part about it, is it never expires! It's all natural, so no side effects! And it truly does help (:

Let me know down below if you have ever tried it or if you plan to try it. Let me know how you like it. Also, if you're a huge fan of natural supplements (like me!), please tell me your favourites and what their uses are! I'd love to try more vitamins and minerals and supplements out!

****ALSO!! If you're someone who suffers from a lot of yeast infections, maybe this could be the reason why: you drink a lot of beer, or your sexual partner drinks a lot of beer and the yeast is passed to you through sexual intercourse (yes, it is possible; it happened a few times to my mum because my dad was a drunkard and somehow it passes to the female, I guess just like anything else. except this is cureable!)
Another reason is, you eat a lot of bread. If you eat a lot of bread, you're eating a lot of yeast, which in turn can cause you to have yeast infections.
Also, when you go to the doctor and get the medication for the yeast infection, it doesn't actually cure it, it just puts it to bed for a while and you'll get it again because it will continue to "flare up" or "come back" until it gets cured.
Try Colonial Silver, you can buy it at most health food stores and some vitamin stores. It is a bit pricey but it does cure the issue and it doesn't give you any strange side effects, it's completely natural and you can keep it in your cupboard forever!

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