When Is Caffeine Beneficial?

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Tea, coffee, as well as some carbonated drinks and desserts contain caffeine. It is known to raise blood pressure and cause insomnia.

However, this substance can also benefit your health:

- It is effective against Alzheimer's (coffee lovers are 65% less likely to develop it) and Parkinson's disease (coffee drinkers are 32-60% less likely to develop it),

- It reduces the risk of oral cavity cancer, as well as liver cancer and cirrhosis.

- It cuts the likelihood of developing type-2 diabetes.

- It is able to relieve headache and asthma (although there's conflicting data on this matter).

- It is a natural analgesic.

Coffee consumption varies per person. Some people cannot imagine their lives without this drink, while others are perfectly fine not consuming it.

The safe amount for an adult is considered to be no more than 4 cups of coffee a day.

coffee helps me go poop when im constipated so that's cool
its also really great when you're cold
it also tastes really great
my favourite brand is Folgers. I can drink it straight black, that's honestly my favourite way to drink it. my hubby puts sugar in it and im like whhhhaaaaattttt??
to me, sugar in coffee is gross. but occasionally I'll use those almondmilk creamers and put in there, those are pretty tasty

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