Getting Less Sleep This Century

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If you think you lack sleep, you are probably right. In 1900, the average person slept nine hours each night! Widespread use of electricity contributed to sleep loss in the 1950s.

Since the rise of TV, the internet, and mobile technology, people are sleeping seven hours or less!

To get a good nights sleep, switch off the TV, computer, and any other distracting devices. You will sleep better in a darker room.

•its a proven fact that you sleep your very best when the temperature of your room is colder, if it's too warm you wake up hot and miserable and can't get back to sleep-the warmth also causes nightmares.
My tip to people struggling to get sleep at night:
Unwind a little earlier than usual. If you go to bed at eleven, put your phone away at nine and relax to a good film or book, when it's about ten, go to your bed and make sure it's too cold to be out from underneath your blankets. When you've had a hot shower, relaxed a bit, had a nice book or film to settle your mind then snuggle into your warm blankets, you'll have the best sleep ever. Trust me! It works nine times out of ten.
(When you absolutely cannot sleep, try melatonin and hot tea).

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