What Should You Know About Dried Fruit?

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There are many contradictory theories about the health benefits of dried fruit. So is this a nutritious treat that enhances immunity or a candied product processed with preservatives?

Dried fruit contain practically the same amount of fiber, vitamins (except vitamin C), minerals, and antioxidants as fresh fruit.

They have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, can improve the condition of the digestive tract, and reduce the risk of many diseases.

Unfortunately, they contain as much sugar as their fresh counterparts. Especially dangerous is the fact that dried fruit are much smaller, and you can inadvertently eat much more of them than necessary.

Often, before being dried, fruit are treated with syrup and harmful preservatives to maintain the bright colour, so it is important to read the label before buying.

*my personal (best) tip on buying fresh or dried fruits is all about locally growing it! most of the fruits and veggies I eat are locally grown in local farms all across the state. always support your small local farms and farmers markets! :)

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