Chapter 2 Bad Blondy

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Kyra's pov

Blondy walked over to a bag on the table.
I glanced at my parents who didn't even dare to look my way.
Why won't they look at me?
I looked around the room to see if there was a way out of this situation.
The scary man was gone, but unfortunately there were still six guys in the room.

Our living room isn't that big, so why I haven't seen them before is a mystery to me.
I was spooked as soon as Blondy walked up to me with a collar in his hand, not sure what the plan was, but I did know I wasn't having any of it.
I tried to crawl back, away from him.
But thanks to the pain in my left hand, I fell on my back the second I tried to put my weight on it.
He laughed as he got on top of me, waving the collar in front of my face.

"Try not to struggle too much or I will put this on really tight."

What was he thinking?
Of course I was gonna struggle.
I was gonna give him hell if I had to.
No way I was gonna roll over and let this happen.

"No! Get off me! Let me go!"

Kicking, biting, spitting, hitting and what not, I really tried everything I could to get him off me, but it was no use.
My left hand was useless because it hurt like hell when I tried to use it to block him and it took him no effort at all to secure my right arm under his leg.
I faced away from him, as if that would help me while I bit on my lip to try to keep the tears away.
I couldn't do a thing as he put the collar on my neck and tightened it.
It was hard to breathe, but thankfully not impossible.
He rolled me over and secured my hands on my back with some handcuffs.
I cried out of frustration and the pain in my hand.

"You asshole! That hurts! Let me go!"

He smirked. "Don't worry. We will fix that attitude of yours, although I must say, I like a little spitfire."

Not ready to give up yet, I continued my verbal assault on him, earning nothing but that evil smile from him.
He pulled something from his pocket.
I couldn't see what it was, but soon found out as he secured a cloth over my mouth to the back of my head to keep me from screaming anymore.
Finally he got off me.

He tugged on the leash. "Come on, time to get up."

If looks could kill he would be dead by now.
It took me some effort but I got back up on my feet.
I looked over at my parents and saw them both being tied up and gagged as well.
My dad's eyes were still fixed on the floor as if he was too ashamed to look at me.
My mother finally looked at me with sadness and pity in her eyes.

Blondy didn't give me more time to figure out what those looks meant and started to drag me out of the room to the hallway and the front door.

Why is this happening to us?
What's the meaning of that collar?
I'm not a dog, he can't just drag me around like this.

I tried to resist but it was no use.
He was stronger than me by a lot.
It felt like I was playing tug of war with a truck.
This was a losing battle, plus because the collar was so tight, I wasn't getting enough air to keep struggling.

I gave up for now and just walked behind him.
He took me straight to the limo.
My eyes grew wide, you have got to be kidding me!
Who are these people?
Who the hell kidnaps people in a limo?
Guess they don't say "be careful what you wish for" for nothing... this is not the way I wanted to see the inside of that car!

I looked around for one of the neighbors for help.
But it seems everyone was either asleep or inside, oblivious to what was happening outside.
No one is going to save me, I thought as the tears started to prick at my eyes.

"Chop, chop, get inside. I don't have all night."

He pulled me closer, seemingly content about the situation.
I was somewhat relieved he at least took the handcuffs off before he pushed me inside the car and slammed the door shut behind me.
I sat up and looked around, I was alone in the backseat.
It looked like there was another compartment in front of this smaller one.
First I removed the cloth from my mouth while cursing away the pain in my hand.
Then I tried to open the doors.
Of course... they're childproof and the windows are locked so they wouldn't go down.
Great, I'm stuck...

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