Chapter 15 The Club

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Kyra's pov

I woke up, I didn't know what time it was and had no way to check, but it had to be late because I felt like I hadn't had much sleep yet.
The sounds of someone messing with the lock on my door was the thing that woke me.
I sat up straight and turned on the light next to my bed.
Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I got up and watched the door.
I wondered who it could be, by the sounds of it they don't have the key.
The lock made a clicking sound and the door opened.
It was Valentine.

"Ah great you're up. Get your party dress on, we're going out."

I watched him in disbelief, was he serious?

"Party dress? What?"

Ignoring my confusion he pulled open my closet and looked at the clothes, I just stood there in my pajamas trying to get my head around this.
He grabbed some very short jeans and a black shirt with glitter on them.

"Mmm... this will have to do, we'll get the rest later, get dressed. I'll wait outside the door."

I hesitated while getting the clothes but I did as he told me.
Quickly I fixed my hair because it pretty much stood in every direction from sleeping.
I opened the door and he looked me over.

"Yeah that works just fine, let's go and be quiet. We don't wanna wake everyone up."

I followed him downstairs to the garage.
He looked around and found a car to his liking.
A bright yellow Lamborghini, he grabbed the keys from the safe in the wall and pulled me to the car by my arm.

"Get in, time to have some fun."

I sat down in the car, still a bit groggy.

"Lord Valentine, does Lord Radu know you're taking me with you?"

Valentine laughed.

"You can drop the Lord part. We are classmates, remember? And of course he doesn't know, we're sneaking out. Don't worry we'll be back before he knows."

He started the car and gently drove out of the garage.
I got very nervous.

"You sure? I have had a very bad experience with just getting outside my room without permission."

Valentine had a serious look on his face while keeping his eyes on the road.

"I need you to duck for a bit until we get past the guard, just don't try to run away when we get there and I'll make sure my cousin will cut you some slack. We're both young so we should be allowed some fun."

I did as I was told and ducked, softly I asked.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"A popular club in the main town, it's about a 30 min drive from here".


Vasile's pov

I woke up to a beeping noise I couldn't quite place yet.
It took me a few moments before I realized the sounds came from my phone.
When I checked the screen I was instantly awake.
What the fuck?!
How the hell did she get out of her room?
Much less out of the house and already this far away?!
What the hell is going on?
I quickly got up and ran to her room.
The door was unlocked and she was clearly not there.
I called the front gate.

"It's me, did you see anyone leave?"

I practically growled at the phone.

"Just lord Valentine. Was that not allowed, my lord?"

"That's fine."

I hung up and looked at the beeping dot on the tracking map.
I'm going to kill Valentine.
But first I need to find out where he's taking her.
The area on the map does look familiar.

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