Chapter 19 Meeting the elders

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VVasile's pov

"My lord, the elders want to have a word with you again."

I looked up from my work and looked at Mihai with a raised eyebrow.

"So soon already? Didn't I talk to them like 2 years ago?"

"No my lord, more like 20 years ago. They want to have that talk again..."

Urg... I hate this.
Every few years they want to know if I have changed my mind about finding a wife.
I thought with installing Valentine as my heir it would keep them off my back for a few hundred years but they stay as persistent as the first day I became the lord.

"Fine, when are they coming?"


I sighed.

Well... might as well get it over with so I don't have to see them for another 20 years or so.
Master Ludwigg really is the only elder I don't mind seeing because he minds his own business.
All he cares about is that there is a strong lord and a suitable heir.
Unlike the other elders he sees the same potential in Valentine as Caspar and I do.
And although he's an ancient vampire he has never been one of traditions and is more of logic and reason meaning he doesn't care Valentine is not my son and just my nephew.

"Prepare the guest chambers and things like that."

I saw Mihai grit his teeth for a second before nodding.
He absolutely hated the reason the elders wanted to have these talks with me and even more he had to stay polite and tend to their every need like a good and loyal servant.

"Don't give me that look. My opinion hasn't changed on the matter, they can keep nagging all they want. I'm not finding myself a wife, they are nothing but trouble. Besides, I like ruling by myself. A wife just means I need to share and you know perfectly well I do not share with just anyone."

I had walked up to Mihai and gently caressed his cheek making him look up to me.

"I expect you to play your part flawlessly as always, understood?"

"Yes, my lord."

He bowed and left the room.

The next day I was in my conference room with the four elders that had called for the meeting, Master Ravenwood the second oldest elder, Master Olron, Master Yang and Master Cicero the youngest.
Mihai was pouring the drinks for the four other elders as Master Ludwigg the oldest of them entered and quietly sat down.
Before this meeting he had already made it clear to the other elders he didn't appreciate his time being wasted, making the atmosphere tense.

I glanced at Kyra who obviously wasn't happy about having to be here at all, but I need something to keep me entertained or I might get a stomach ulcer out of irritation.

Master Olron was standing in front of her and for some reason had started to inspect her neck and arms.
I had told her before we entered the room that I was going to meet some important people and that she had to behave, so she didn't dare to resist.
She kept, however, looking at me and it was very clear she wanted me to stop him.
But so far he wasn't really crossing any lines as an elder so I couldn't really do anything about it to my own dismay.
Just another reason to resent the elders, even though I am the lord I still need to respect their status.
They may not stand above me but they do have certain privileges.


He mumbled while slightly manipulating Kyra's collar to look at the skin under it.

"No bite marks?"

He then proceeded to lift her t-shirt to look elsewhere on her body.
I could hear Kyra's heart rate going up dramatically and her hands that had been idly hanging next to her body started to move.

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