Chapter 47 My Own Pet

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Anne's pov

I don't understand a lot from what's being said.
Just some bit's and pieces I learned over the years he's been my master.
That girl that just came out of that room seems important because that lord is hovering over her and making sure the master doesn't come to close.

Master seems really interested in her, I heard the word daughter being spoken.

Is that's the princess?
I thought she was the lord's wife.
Master told me that lord Radu had recently gotten an heir, I expected a new born... not a teen a little over my age.
The reason master took this trip was because he wanted to meet her.
I was already confused master wanted to meet an infant, he hates kids.
I don't like that lord, he looks really scary, I don't know what master is saying but he must be taunting him.
The look in the lords eyes... he looks murderess.
I wish I knew what they are talking about.

Master started talking in a very sweet voice to the girl.
Suddenly he pulled on my leash, beckoning me closer to him.

He asked her something,
But it looks like she was appalled by what he asked because she immediately stepped back towards the lord.
Despite that, her smile stayed on her face, but her red eyes were letting out her true feelings.
She despises master.
I disliked the tension that was building and that lord really started to freak me out, I wish master would just take me home.

Master ignored the tension and just continued to talk to the girl.
I could hear the word for pet drop.
He quickly grabbed her hand and placed my leash in it.

Wait? What? No! Is Master giving me away?!

I was just as shocked as that girl, she looked at the lord and so did I.
That scary man looked at her with such a sweet smile, it seemed very out of character for him.
He leaned in and whispered something in her ear.
I heard her thank master, though it was clear it was very reluctantly.

Master said something that shocked the girl, before she could respond the lord started to talk. The sternness in his voice was back and so were his cold eyes as he locked on to mine, sending shivers down my spine.

Master said something back before turning his attention to me, he was irritated.
I'm doing something wrong, but what?

"He you! Better give you're new master a great smile!"

New master?!
I was shocked, he really is giving me away!
That's not what he told me before we got here, what does he expect from me?
Because I didn't respond like he wanted me to he razed his hand.
I yelped frighted when I was suddenly grabbed and pulled out of the way.
I looked at my new mistress, she had her eyes on master.
A bit wary she replied to master.
Again I could hear the word pet being spoken.
They are talking about me, while she spoke she nudged me a bit behind her.
She clearly doesn't trust master.
But master seemed to be pleased by her reaction.

The lord cleared his throat and said something to the girl.
She wasted no time to walk off pulling me along with the leash.
I looked back at my master but he didn't even look at me.
He was already engaged in another conversation with that lord.
I did see some other guy walk behind us, he was glaring at me.
Now what?
I can't be killed, master made me a promise.
I have to get back to him.
But first I need to survive staying here


Kyra's pov

I stared into two very scared eyes, unsure of how to respond to this.
The girl in front of me looked absolutely petrified, flinching even more at every sound or movement the man behind her made.

I looked down at my hand, which now held that girl's leash, I turned towards the lord with a bit of a helpless look on my face.

That horrible excuses for a man in front of me had given me a present, aka the girl on the leash.
Apparently as a royal I was in need of a pet.
Being a former pet myself I was too shocked to respond.
This... this... I couldn't fake my way out of this.

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