Chapter 56 Vampire Relation Rules

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Kyra's pov

At long last Nadja was done trying on dresses for today. But now she wanted me and Anne to try on dresses for the bridesmaids.

Lucky for us she wasn't planning on spending too much time on them as all attention should be on her anyway.
So we were left with just color instructions and sent in the shop.
The dresses needed to be a light purple and the rest was up to us.

"Anne what do you think will look good on us? You've been a party girl, I take it you know your dresses too."

I looked at Anne as I had no idea what to get.
So far all the dresses I had worn in my whole life had been picked out by Vasile.

"You trust me with that?"

"Sure why not? You may be a bit smaller than me but we have a similar figure. And from what I've seen you have good taste."

Anne looked around the different dresses in the purple racks of the shop and came back with 3 dresses, one was a A-lijn v-nek asymmetric de chiffon dress with ruffles.

"Ow I like that one. It looks light and comfortable."

We tried on the different dresses and showed them to Nadja.
She also liked the chiffon dress best, so that was going to be the dress.

The woman in the shop took our measurements and concluded that besides a few small adjustments at the waist for Anne and me no alterations were needed so the dresses could be ready in two weeks.

"At what time could you be here for the last fitting?"

The saleswoman looked at Anne and me, I turned to Tom for the answer.

"Milady has classes in the morning, so I would think after lunch. Around two pm should be fine for both ladies."

"Very well 2 weeks from now on Wednesday two pm. I'll set up the appointment. Would you like to pay the dresses in full now or make a down payment?"

Before Nadja or I could react Tom took out the credit card the lord had given him.

"In full, madame."

When we were out of the shop Nadja looked at me and said.

"I'm still surprised you're not trying to ruin my wedding. I know you don't like me but you're being more supportive than my friends on this."

"Maybe you should reconsider who your friends are if they give you trouble on your wedding. Besides even though we clearly never will be friends I don't hate you so much that I would ruin this day for you."

Nadja gave me a smile and looked at the park we passed by walking to the car.

"You've always been honest with how you feel about me... I'm curious, why do you dislike me anyway?"

I started to laugh.

"Well that's simple, did you forget you always reminded me I was nothing but a snack. Of course I would dislike you. But besides that, you act like a spoiled snob. You come off like a person that thinks she better just because you're loaded. Compared to you I'm from the slums so of course that would rub me the wrong way. In my eyes you're nothing better than me. You're just lucky."

Nadja didn't react but seemed to be thinking about what I said.

"Be honest Nadja, had I still been Vasile's pet would you even have had this conversation with me?"

Now Nadja started to chuckle a bit.

"You're right I wouldn't."


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