Chapter 13 The Guest

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Kyra's pov

My lessons with Master Ludwigg were not so intensive anymore now that I knew more and more words.
This gave me more free time as he also had different tasks to attend too.
Thanks to the nice summer weather and because I was on my best behavior, Lord Radu let me "play" more often in the gardens without a leash, if I was supervised by Sarah.

He may not have known, but I had good reason to behave the way he wanted.
One, I had to get my body back to good health so I had the best chance to escape and two, I needed to know the layout of the yard to plan it.
Every time I was alone, locked up in my room, I tried to do some exercises to improve my general fitness.

Today we walked up to the orchard.
I saw an apple high up the tree that looked ripe to eat.

"Can I get that one?"

I pointed at the apple.
Sarah looked up.

"Can you climb that high?"

I jumped up a bit to get to the first branch.

"Of course I can, I did climb trees before."

It wasn't really for the apple, just practice for that other tree near the wall, but she didn't need to know that.

"Just be careful, if you break something I'll get an ear full from the lord."

I pulled myself up muttering, "Yeah I know he wants to be the one breaking his toys", as I climbed up higher.

"You want some too? There are plenty good apples up here."

I had picked the one I wanted.
Sarah was watching me intently so she could intervene if something went south.
After my question about the apples, she seemed to be thinking about something.

"If you can pick five more we could make an apple pie in the kitchen, just throw them in my skirt."

She held her apron wide with two hands to make a basket.


I liked apple pie, so I looked around to find five more good apples and threw them down.
I was about to climb out of the tree when I felt a cold shiver down my spine.
At the same moment a familiar voice, speaking in English, called my name.

"Kyra, how I've missed your sweet smell."

The shock of realizing who it was made me lose my balance and miss the branch I was aiming for.
Crap, I could feel myself falling and I couldn't do anything about it.


I was surprised I didn't hit the ground.
Looking up to see what had happened I found myself in Lord Valentine's arms.

"Uhm, thank you, but please put me down."

I was nervous being so close to him, and that fanged smirk didn't help.
He looked surprised I responded in Thracian.
Gently he placed me back on the ground.

"So what's my reward for saving you?"

He continued in Thracian as well.
His face came very close to mine as he looked at me intently with that smug smile.

"Apple pie?"

I sort of squeaked, nervous that he intended to drink my blood.
Sarah pulled me back by my arm, the irritation was dripping from her next words.

"My Lord you shouldn't sneak up on a young lady like that, she could have hurt herself. If Lord Radu saw that you would have been in trouble even if you are his cousin."

Lord Valentine just shrugged.

"I don't think my cousin would let her climb a tree in the first place."

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