Chapter 3 The Factory

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Kyra's pov

The car had been driving for a few hours now.
I was tired but too scared to fall asleep and the pain in my hand was also not helping in that department.
I had tried to kick in the windows, but to no avail, I guess they're bulletproof or something.
Trying to get the attention of other cars was also pointless.
They couldn't see me because of the tinted glass and my voice was overpowered by the car sounds outside, so they couldn't hear me.

I had stopped trying to figure out where we're going some time ago.
None of the names on the street-signs looked familiar anymore.
Not really surprising, we never left town because there was no money for it.
I was just mindlessly watching the cars and trees pass by at this point.

The movement of the car switching lanes and getting on the intersection snapped me out of my depressing mindset, we got off the freeway and drove up to an industrial plant.
I looked up, surprised that there were still people working there at this hour.
Although I wasn't sure about the time it had to be at least 2 or 3 in the morning.
The cars stopped and I could hear the doors opening.

I saw Blondy walk up to the limo and he opened the door on the mid section.
My heart stopped for a few seconds when I saw the scary guy get out, so that's where he went.
I've been inside the same car as he was... that's not good.
He must have heard all the things I did trying to get out... I saw him glare a bit towards my direction.
I gulped... great... it seems I've just put a big target on my back.
To my relief he didn't make a move and started talking to Blondy.

I looked as they took my parents out of the trunk and pulled them inside.
Suddenly Blondy turned and walked up to my door.
Crap, now what?
I have nowhere to run or hide.
I got as far away from the door as I could, knowing very well that there was no point in doing so, I just knew I did not want to make it easy for him.
He opened the door, looked at where I was and a smirk formed on his face.

"Silly girl."

He mocked while he grabbed the leash still attached to the collar.
Dammit, I forgot it was there.
I should have hid that infernal thing behind my back or something.

He pulled me out of the car, I watched the people who seemed to be at work here.
They did not bat an eye at the scene, like this was completely normal to them.
A knot formed in my stomach.
Distraught, I realized it looked like I'm not going to get any help from them.

Blondy handed the leash to the scary guy and then walked off to a little office inside the main hall of the building.
The scary guy didn't say a thing but gave me a stern look.
That look, with those cold eyes, made every ounce of bravery I had left shrivel into nothing.
I averted my eyes to the floor and walked after him without a fuss.

He stopped near a window of a room.
A man in a lab coat walked up to him and they started to talk.
It wasn't until I wanted to know what it was about I realized it was in that foreign language.
I couldn't figure out for the life of me what they were talking about, or what language it was.
So I switched my attention to the window just to get the shock of my life.
My parents were on the other side, strapped on what looked to me like some sort of operating table.
They were struggling to break free, I could see they were yelling but I couldn't hear them through the glass.

I got up close to the window, placing my hands on the glass, I saw the red tubes that were attached to them.
It looked like they were draining blood from them.
Slowly they stopped struggling and their mouths stopped moving.

No, no, no they are gonna die if this doesn't stop!
The panic started to spike inside me when I saw people in surgical gowns walking towards my parents, what was going on?
I freaked out when they started cutting, finally realizing what was happening.

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