Chapter 23 Just Ask

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Mihai's pov

We were almost done checking everyone.
Sarah can be a walking lie detector if she wants to be, so it was running smoothly.
I think we should do this more often, the things you hear...

One of the maids had gotten so scared she spilled everything she thought we wanted to know.
The x-rated dreams she had about the lord.
How she sniffed the lord's sheets before changing them because she loved his masculine smell.
She'd be heartbroken if she knew who he really sleeps with.
Well she can smell all the sheets she wants, at least she's loyal, so who cares...

Next was one of the butlers, he had been hired recently.
It was a young boy, around 400 years old.

He sat down on the chair and Sarah got behind him.
She placed her hand on his shoulders.

"We found out that not everyone in the castle is loyal to the lord. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, now would you?"

She calmly spoke to him.
He looked at his hands.

"I uhm, I wouldn't know. I don't work here that long."

He seemed nervous, I lifted his chin and looked him in the eyes.
There is fear in them...
Bingo, he's hiding something.

"You know it's not polite not to look someone in the eyes when answering a question. Care to repeat your words now?"

I gave him no option to look away, his face turned paler by the second.
Sarah's grip on his shoulders got firmer and she leaned in forward.

"Answer him sweetie, or do you wish to find out what I will do to those that betray my beloved lord?"

I love Sarah, she has the face of an angel but can be scary as hell when needed.
Sweat was dripping off the boy's face as he glanced at Sarah's sweet but scary smiling face.

"I... I... I..."

He stumbled to speak.

I grabbed a knife from my pocket and placed it at his neck, applying a little bit of pressure.

"Keep stuttering and you will never speak again."

I glared at him, he gulped against the knife.
A small stream of blood ran down his neck from the small cut his movement had made.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to. But my family owes him a lot, I had no choice. Please spare me."

This was easier than I thought.
Lowering the knife between the boy's legs, I softly spoke to him, never breaking eye contact.

"Tell me everything and I will think about it."

Fifteen minutes later Sarah and I knew everything about the boy.
It's surprising how much someone will tell you if they fear you will castrate them and make them pee like a girl in one go.

He told us where the phone was he used to contact Sir Dimitri.
Sarah found it without issues.
He showed us the text messages and told us when Dimitri had told him he would call again.
Good, the lord will be pleased with this.
The boy promised he would keep playing his part so the lord could get the info he wanted.
Of course the boy wouldn't be allowed to roam free anymore.
We locked him up, the phone out of his reach and with permanent guards, so if the phone rang he could be watched when he answered it.
We gave him instructions on what to tell Dimitri.
And of course the lord wanted to have a word with the boy as well.
The poor kid was shaking like a leaf when Vasile entered his cell.
He didn't even have to do anything and the kid already spilled his whole life story and everything he thought the lord wanted to know.

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