Chapter 60 Regrets and Relieve

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Kyra's pov

Slowly the pain in my body was waking me up again.
I could feel my head and half my torso lift and drop in a soothing rhythm.
The sounds of a slow and steady beating heart in my left ear got my attention while I was getting more aware of my surroundings.
It started to dawn on me that I was laying half on top of somebody.
Wait a minute... this is not my bed!
I quickly leaned on my arms while I got up to my knees and looked around the room.
There was only a little bit of light that escaped past the thick dark curtains in front of the windows, but it was enough light so I could clearly see this wasn't a room I had been in before.
Where am I?
A shifting motion next to me made my eyes travel down to it's source.
I instantly moved back and let out a frightened squeak as I noticed I had been in bed with Vasile.
And worse I had been sleeping on his undressed, very naked torso!!!!

He groaned as he turned away from me, pulling the blankets further over him.

"Keep it down sweetie."

He grumbled.

I quickly looked at myself, feeling very relieved I was at least dressed in my pajama shorts and a shirt.

"W-why am I in your bed?"

Vasile yawed while he turned back and faced me.

"Because you wouldn't let me go last night and I need my sleep.
Figured I might as well cuddle with you since you held on like a leech."

We both turned our head at the knock on the door.
Mihai entered and stared a bit horrified at both of us.

"Did you two have fun without me?"

He looked to be hurt.
Vasile got out of bed, thankfully he was wearing at least some boxers, I seriously would have died if he was naked.
Slowly he walked up to Mihai, grabbed his throat and pushed him against the door in one smooth motion.

"Don't be so jealous, it doesn't suit you. You know perfectly well you're my only toy between the sheets."

He then started kissing him full on his lips while he kept him pinned to the wall.
By the noises both of them made they were enjoying it, but I wasn't sure where to look.
Feeling like three is a crowd and definitely not interested in sticking around if things got more heated between them I cleared my throat and spoke up.

"Listen, I'd say get a room but this is already your room. I just really don't wanna be here if you two are going to take this much further..."

Both of them locked their eyes on me and started to chuckle.
Vasile let go of Mihai and walked to his bathroom.

"Mihai why don't you feed Kyra, I'm taking a shower."


Mihai's pov

"What did you do with my pet's corpse?"

Kyra almost spate out the word pet.
What happened between them?
She had been so fierce in protecting her...
I stared at Kyra a bit confused but answered without delay.

"She at the morgue, Vasile leaves it up to you what to do with her."

She looked away while being in thought before she slit off the side of the bed and walked to the door.

"Where do you think you're going kitten?"

"The morgue."

She didn't wait for a response and just left.
Curious about what she's up to I followed her.

"Where is the morgue?"

She asked halfway down the hall.
I figured she wouldn't know, she hasn't been there before.
Instead of answering I just gestured her to follow me.
Deep down in the basement past the cells of the blood slaves was the morgue.

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