Chapter 6 The Castle

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Kyra's pov

With the plane finally on the ground I was just happy I had kept everything inside.
I was taken back and locked up in the car again.
This time the car-trip wasn't that long.
In about an hour we drove up to a big castle in the mountains, it looked stunning on the outside.
Big flower gardens and fields of grass around it, a high stone fence surrounded the property with a big metal gate.
It even had a little house next to the gate with a guard.
They must be loaded... what kind of world am I being dragged into?

The car drove up to the house, a line of maids and butlers stood in formation outside the door.
I was taken out of the car by Blondy and led inside, the lord walked in front of us.
He said something while he looked back at Blondy, and then entered a room leaving the door open.
Blondy handed the leash to one of the maids and followed the lord inside, closing the door behind him.

I looked around the lavishly decorated hallway looking for a way to escape.
There were a lot of tall windows in the hallway but none of them could open up.
This hallway was not an option, besides with all the staff here that would have been impossible to begin with.
None of them seemed to be shocked or surprised about a half beaten up girl being dragged around by a leash, what kind of world is this?

The maid took me to the first floor and up a long revolving staircase that ended at a door with a lock on the outside.
There was no way I could open that from the inside.
I stood there as she opened the door with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back the oncoming tears.
We entered the room and she removed the leash, then left the room without saying a word.
I fell to my knees and started to sob silently when I heard the lock turn, making an escape attempt impossible for now.

When I calmed down I started to look around the room.
Mmm, this was not so bad... at least I wasn't locked in some damp basement.
I wiped the tears from my face and got up to explore the place.
This was bigger than the room I had at home.
There was a freshly made comfortable semi-double bed, a closet with everyday clothing that seemed to be somewhat my size and a table with a chair.
A wall in the middle of the room divided the room in two sections.
I walked around the wall to see what was behind it.
There I found a bathroom, it was small but neat, functional and ready to use with clean towels and everything.
It looked like a luxurious hotel-room if I didn't know any better.
The only downside besides being locked up, was that the room had no windows and no way of telling the time.

Well I knew what time it was for me, time to get some much needed sleep.
I need the energy to try to find a way to escape.
So far I only slept for about an hour or two so I was exhausted.
I just laid down on the covers and before long I fell into a restless sleep.


Vasile's pov

When my castle came into view I could finally relax.
This has been a long and tiring trip.
I dislike traveling, humans out there are unpredictable and unreliable.
They are more trouble than they're worth.
Here at home everything is in order.
The humans here know their place and purpose, they know they're just food.
And on the rare occasion I find one entertaining enough to make a pet, they obey without question.
This girl is different, she doesn't know what we are.
Only that we kidnapped her and killed her parents.
She's going to cause trouble, but that's okay.
She's only human, so she's not a threat.
Mihai and I will have fun breaking her spirit.
But first I need to make sure Mihai gets his priorities straight again.

"My lord, how was your trip?"

Edgar, one of the butlers, had opened the door of the car.
The rest of the staff stood in line to welcome us back after the long trip.

"It was tiring, but we were able to secure the deals that were needed. So it was productive. Could you prepare a bath in about 30 minutes?"

"Of course my lord."

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