Chapter 34 The Masked Ball

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Kyra's pov

The ball was just officially opened by the lord.
He was now sitting in his high chair overseeing the ballroom.
Different ladies came to introduce themselves and to see if the lord was interested at a dance.
They looked like vultures to me, the main reason they talked to him was because he was the lord.

Valentine had snatched me for a dance because, as he said it would be a waste for me to sit next to a grumpy old man all night.
Everyone had masks on so it was hard for me to recognize anyone.
Even Valentine had taken off his mask for a second just to prove to me it was him.
Despite the constricting dress I was having fun, even when master himself decided to steal a dance with me.
For once in a long time I didn't need to fake being happy, I guess I just really like to dance.

But most of the time I was just standing at the side watching the guests.
I could tell master had gone above and beyond with the dress and jewelry I was wearing.
Even some of the lady's looked a bit jealous at them, one had even come up to me to inspect them muttering it was unbelievable a pet had more expensive stuff on than her.
It took me some effort not to laugh because she didn't know I could understand every word.

Master had told me I was free to eat, drink and dance as much as I wanted as long as I didn't get drunk or embarrassed him.

A little later I was standing at the long table with all kinds of different little snacks, trying to pick out what I wanted when some stranger started talking to me in English.
Thanks to that stupid collar and leash it was obvious what I was, and so far no one expected me to speak Thracian.

"Hello little miss, you look lovely tonight. I understand you are his royal highness pet. How I would love to get to know you better."

Unsure of what to do or if I was even allowed to talk to the guests, I looked around for the lord.
Above everything I didn't dare to break one of his rules, especially today.
Unfortunately, he was dancing with Nadja at the moment, so I couldn't ask.
The man grabbed my hand, making me a bit nervous because I didn't have a good feeling with him.

"Come on dear, let's dance. I saw you were quite skilled when his highness danced with you."

He pulled me to the dance floor, the music was for a slow fox, so I just followed his lead.
I wasn't sure if I should be dancing with strangers but figured master would interfere if he didn't like it.
On the other hand he had told me I could dance as much as I liked.
I just didn't liked to dance with this creep.
Would it embarrass the lord if I refused to dance?
I looked at the man, three quarters of his face were hidden behind a red and golden decorated mask. He must have had quite some blood and alcohol already. His eyes were red and his breath... god... just standing close could make you drunk too.

"You do really look lovely, I can see his highness takes really good care of you. And you're such a well behaved pet. I wonder what other skills you have besides dancing. You must be perfect in everything because you are his highness cute little pet."

I started to dislike the way he looked and talked to me and noticed that we were getting closer and closer to the main door leading to the hall.

"I really would like to talk to you somewhere more quiet. Won't you join me dear?"

What the hell is he insinuating?
I really need to ditch this idiot but how am going to do that without getting into trouble myself?
Suddenly I spotted Mihai, he was standing to the side keeping an eye on everything and directing the staff.


I didn't call out too loud as it would disturb anyone and I didn't want everyone looking at me but he heard me anyway.
I think he knew from one look what was going on and came directly.

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