Chapter 42 Family Betrayal

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Kyra's pov

"My lord, you caught me at a disadvantage. If you could please explain the crime my sweet Nadja has committed, then perhaps I can provide my insides on the matter."

It seemed sir Dimitri was playing the innocent card.
A low resonating growl started to grow louder in the chair next to me.
The lord's patience was running thinner with every word sir Dimitri uttered.

"Kyra, why don't you tell how you escaped the night before."

Well that's a first.
Normally it's just pet or spring chicken.... I hated both names... but hearing him use my first name to me was also weird.
Still a bit unsettled by his threatening growls and stern looks, I started talking.

"The night of...ehm..."

How was I going to say this? It was still strange for me to call him by name instead of master.

"...the ball Nadja broke into my room.
I tried to hide in the bathroom where I was, but that was pretty much pointless, it has no real places to hide. It didn't take her long to find me there. She told me she wanted to turn me to get... ehm... master... to marry her."

I could feel the glare I got from the lord for referring to him as master instead of Vasile, but I continued talking regardless.

"And if I died... well, then I was out of her way... I got lucky because she made an epic crash into my bathroom closet when she slipped over a puddle of water from the shower."

I chuckled as I was reminiscing the sight of it.

"I knew I wouldn't get another chance so I bolted and locked her up in my room. And because everyone was at the party, I had all the time I needed to find a safe way out of the castle and get away."

My proud look slowly disappeared as I was thinking about everything that happened after that.
The lord got up from his chair and slowly walked to sir Dimitri.
Standing right in front of him and grabbing the board of his vest, he pulled him closer.

"Imagine my surprise when I heard that little wench making a ruckus in my pet's room. A room she had no place in being. So tell me Dimitri, how did your lovely Nadja get the stupid idea that turning my pet would result in me marrying her? Bear in mind that I already know that up until our family visit she was merely trying to kill her. Which in itself is an offence to me, but one I could have let slide because it didn't involve me."

Sir Dimitri didn't say a word yet, it was clear he was trying to weight his options.
The lord released him and turned back to his seat, continuing with a malicious undertone.

"I'll give you some time to come up with a good excuses, remember the talk we had last time?"

Sir Dimitri nodded a bit unsure where this conversation was going.

"It seems I did find something of interest for you. Valentine, move that crate over to Dimitri."

We all watched as Valentine did as he was told.

"Open it."

I was starting to get a bad feeling about this.
Looking sideways at the lord I could see an almost devilish smile on his face.
What kind of sick thing did he come up with?
It looked like sir Dimitri and Nadja were thinking the same judging by their faces.
After a little hesitation he opened the box.

"Hilda?!.... Wha-what happened to her?"

I could hear the shocked gasp of Nadja as she took a peek in the box.

"I killed her after she got caught trying to kill my pet."

The lord glared at sir Dimitri.

"Care to explain why Nadja's head maid has been working in my castle for over 300 years?"

Escaping a LordHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin