Chapter 35 Slippery When Wet

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Nadja's pov

I was sipping on my wine while I watched Vasile and his pet from a little distance.
That pet irritates me to no end.
Why is Vasile keeping her so close all the time?
What does he see in her?
If she was mine I would have drained her from all her blood already.

She doesn't behave like she should, she tries to bargain with him over his orders.
You can tell she's always on the look out to get away and she has a big mouth.
Talking back at me at the buffet.
It's her fault Vasile was unreasonable with me.

Human slaves and pets should been seen but not heard in my opinion.
I don't understand why Vasile went all out on her dresses and jewelry today. I doubt she picked them out, she looks out of place in them compared to her normal outfits. The fact she tends to dress as inconspicuous as possible is the only good part about her. But tonight... she is by far the best dressed female of the entire ball. Is he just showing her off or does he see a potential wife in her?

I felt a crack form in the glass, quickly I emptied the glass and replaced it with a new one.

He says he doesn't but why would he spend so much money on that thing then?

Just look at her... sleeping on his lap. It's disgusting, she should sleep on the floor.
Vasile hasn't given me any attention anymore after that incident with that pet.
Before we were having a great time.
I know he doesn't like others to touch his belongings but he and I belong together.
He should trust me with the education of that pet, I could mold her into something better for him. Or just kill her and get him a better behaving pet, I'm sure I can find him something he and I could both enjoy.

I looked up when I saw Mihai guide her out of the ballroom.
Pathetic, she can't even last the entire party for her master.
But this does give me great chance to find out where her room is.
Father will be pleased with this because so far only Hilda had come close enough to get ride of that pet but she disappeared and hasn't told us where she's kept.

From a little distance I followed them.


Kyra's pov

Finally, I was back in my room, Sarah had helped me get out of the ball dress, because thanks to that corset it was impossible to do it alone.
After that she had left, so I could take a shower and go to sleep.
I was glad that the lord had given me permission to leave the party, it had been going on all day and I was exhausted.
About an hour ago I had even fell asleep on his lap, which he found endearing but I thought it was awful because all his guests could see it and looked at me as if I was some cute puppy or kitten.

I had just finished taking my shower and was now brushing my teeth before the sink in my pajama's, when I heard noises down the stairs. Someone was calling me while walking up the stairs.
I recognized that voice, it was Nadja.

Great, trouble was on the way...
I highly doubted the lord would know about this.
Quietly I placed my brush down and hid in a corner of the bathroom for lack of a better place, hoping she wouldn't hear me and just leave.
I could hear her messing with the lock a bit, it took her some time but she got the door to open.
That is the second time someone breaks in, seems to me it is a crappy lock. Too bad you can't get to it from the inside.

"Pet, where are you? Come out, come out, where ever you are."

Her voice was annoying enough as it was, but she sounded drunk too.
Not a good combo.

"Are you under the bed? Mmm, no... The closet maybe... also no. I wonder, where ever you could be?"

She sounded malicious as I could hear her chuckle.

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