Chapter 33 Co-Existing Worlds

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Kyra's pov

I stood in the middle of the room with the dress on.
It was a Victorian style ball gown.
I could hardly breathe in that stupid corset.
But I kept my fake smile as the lord and the tailor walked around me and made small adjustments.

"Yes, this is perfect. Sarah can do her hair and make-up. She'll look like a little princess."

I rolled my eyes as the lord said that, he wasn't watching me anyway.
Stupid dress, stupid corset and stupid master.

"So what do you think?"

He looked my way.

"It's a beautiful dress, thank you master."

I smiled politely as I lied through my teeth, it wasn't that the dress was ugly or anything.
It was just too old-fashioned for me and I hated the oppressive feeling of that corset.

"Valentine, what do you think?"

Lord Radu asked while sounding real content with himself.

"It looks great on her, but it's just not my style. I liked that blue cocktail dress better, although I can understand that this would go better with that old-fashioned theme you chose for your party."

Valentine looked at me with amusement.

"Can you even breath normally in that?"

Is he reading my mind or something?
Damned intriguer!
I wanted to strangle him, here I was trying so hard to pretend I was happy with everything, and he was poking around to start a fire.

"I'm sure I'll manage when I get used to this."

I kept smiling, but it was hard to keep the frustration out of my voice.
My eyes flashed as I glared at Valentine.
He chuckled as he got the message loud and clear.

"Okay, you can get out of the dress. Mr Morris, about the adjustments, will the dress be ready next week?"

"Yes my lord, I think we need about 4 days for the finishing touches."

Mister Morris was helping me unlace the corset so I could get back in my every day outfit.
When he was done, he continued his conversation with the lord, so I could change on my own.
I was happy he had put a screen up in the room so I had at least some privacy, since neither of the three man seemed like they would leave the room for me to change to my every day outfit.
I'm going to kill Valentine later if this made master suspicious of my behavior.


Vasile's pov

It had been a few weeks since her out burst, at first she had still been quiet but over time it got better.
I could tell she was still putting up a act at times but she was slowly getting back to her old self.
Mihai and Sarah had assured me that her dancing lessons had been going very well, so she would preform perfectly at my party.
Mister Morris had finished the dress for the ball and he had made a similar cocktail dress to the one I had burned thanks to Lucian.
I remembered her saying she liked that dress, so I figured she deserved a new one because she had been trying so hard to behave.
I wonder what she will think when she sees it.

My birthday had arrived and I was getting ready for breakfast.
Mihai had prepared my outfits for today.
For this morning until lunch I would be wearing a casual business suit.
At the reception and dinner I had a formal black suit and at the masquerade ball tonight it would be my maroon red suit.

I got to the diner room and sat down for breakfast.
Sarah and the other maids in the kitchen had out done themselves, breakfast looked amazing.
If this was a sign for how the day would go, it was perfect.
Sarah brought Kyra in, right behind her came Valentine and a lot of staff members.

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