Chapter 53 Shock

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Kyra's pov

I figured it was pointless to try and get the key to Anne's collar as long as Tom or Mihai were shadowing me. Nothing get's by them, so there was no way I had a shot of sneaking in Vasile's office to try and find it.
Even getting a knife or scissors from the kitchen proved to be impossible, I ran out of excuses to get one and they wouldn't let me bring it to my room in fear of Anne stabbing me in my sleep.

The days passed by quite uneventful.
In the mornings I went to class, learning more about what it means to become a vampire and how the social structure works, after lunch I roamed the castle with Anne, getting to know her better. Teaching her the lay-out of the castle and some Thracian words so she could as least grasp what was being said around her.
Sometimes Valentine would join later in the day but even if he did he hardly if ever payed attention to Anne.

"My father is coming tomorrow."

Valentine looked bummed about it.
I looked up to him from the movie we were watching.

"Is he? Vasile didn't tell me... not that he talks to me about anything anyway... I only get to hear the final decision about stuff."

I noticed that apparently somewhere into to movie I had started to lean against him while he was playing with my hair. Being so used to Vasile doing that I hadn't even noticed it until now. Well I didn't mind, I was comfy this way and Valentine was a nice guy.
I could see Anne watching us from the corner of her eyes.

"Did he tell you more about what he wanted from Vasile?"

"No, but from what I heard of mother they had been talking a lot lately. Not just about me. Seems they found a husband for Nadja. Mihai had been busy negotiating stuff for Vasile and now it is decided. Mom told me she'll marry in 3 months, then Nadja will move to the northern territories... ow crap... sorry about that."

Valentine was busy untangling my hair as he made a knot in it. I leaned a bit forward so he had better access while thinking about what he just said.

"Okay, well I can't say I'll miss her."

Valentine chuckled a bit while straightening out the curls in my hair.

"Ya I bet, you two never got along."

"Pfff, that's not my fault. First she thought I was a snack and she keeps thinking I stole Vasile from her. Well, she can have him, I'm not interested in that grumpy evil self centered man."

I yawned a bit, leaning back into Valentine. My whole body was still conditioned to relax if someone was playing with my hair.

"So... who would you be interested in? Hypothetically speaking of course."

"Mmm? Someone nice, I guess. Someone that doesn't order me around. I'm not that demanding, why? Are you trying to hook me up with someone? I think Vasile would kill you."

I giggled while turning around to face Valentine.
He watched me silently.
I now sat on my knees on the couch and started leaning forward with my hands on his chest. I playfully flicked his noise with my fingers.
Valentine was blushing a bit and looked away.
I slit of the couch and got up.

"I'm going to get a drink, you want something too?"

Valentine snickered a bit.

"What?" I looked at him in confusion.

"Nothing, you just reminded me of something. I'd like some blood too if you're going."

The evening had ended and Anne and I were back in my room.
She had been quiet ever since the movie we watched.
After we both got ready for the night and she got up on my bed and spoke up.

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