Chapter 44 Thirsty

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Kyra's pov

"Milady, are you sure you should be going outside at this time of day?"

Tom walked behind me as I entered the gardens. The bright light hurt my eyes as it was almost noon, and I could feel an headache coming fast. I know I was warned not to go outside when the sun was at his peak, but I needed some fresh air.

"I won't burn up if that's what you're scared of. If it get's too uncomfortable I will go inside again."

I could see he was conflicted about it, but I made my way to the pond anyway. If I can go anywhere I wanted on the castle grounds I wasn't gonna let a little sunshine hold me back.
Besides there was one corner with a big overhanging tree so I could sit in the shade, it should be fine.

While staring at koi fish I tried to gather my thoughts.
I "survived" the worst first few days as an vampire.
It would still be a year before my body would settle to this new "state".
A whole year were I could drink nothing else but just blood...

I hated it so far, hated the fact that it tasted so good, the rush my mind got the moment the first drop hit my tongue, I hated not being in control of myself and that I had to keep drinking until I had my fill.
It also didn't help that Vasile insisted that if I drank from a live source it would be him, I think he enjoys it too much.
Not the biting part, cause apparently I'm not doing that right yet, but the fact I was dependent on him.

He says that when I get more control he will teach me how to bite properly.
Both he and Valentine told me it could be a lot less painful or messy, it wasn't my fault, for now my instincts just take over and I sort of turn feral when I drink.

I don't see why I can't just keep drinking it from a cup, at least I can pretend it's something other than blood and I wouldn't be hurting anyone.

I clenched my teeth, just thinking about blood makes my thirst so much worse at the moment.
Urgh... the sounds of heartbeats are starting to become louder already.

With all the fish in the pond it became deafening really fast.
The headache I was having from the sunlight also intensified raptly with the combination of sounds.
It was like my entire body was focusing all my senses all at once to find something to eliminate the thirst.
I grabbed my head groaning.

"Is everything alright milady?"

"No... can you help me up? I, I need to go the lord... fast."

It was clear from my trembling voice that I was in pain.
I held out my arm for him to grab.
He quickly help me up and got me back inside.
Once inside I pulled myself free.

"Just... give me a minute."

Leaning against the wall, I tried to get control back over my instincts.
Thanks to being inside, away from the noises and light I felt like I could do it.
I was trembling all over while I fought with the urge to jump at Tom's throat.
Knowing what I needed made it much worse.
My whole body tried to focus on his heartbeat and figure out where to bite him.
While, let's call it my "still human" side, tried it's best to get the lid back on.
Tom took as step towards me but I gestured him to stand back.

"Just a sec, almost... I don't want to bite you."

"Kyra?! What's?... Ow I see..."

Valentine had walked around the corner with master Ludwigg.
From the corner of my eyes I could see he wisely stayed where he was.
A knot formed in my chest, could it be that he hasn't forgiven me for biting him?
It was painful seeing him again after all these days, being at my worst.
He had told me it was okay but I still felt I needed to make it up to him.

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