Chapter 26 The Bath House

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Kyra's pov

I was walking barefoot down the long hallway.
Well walking...
I guess it's considered more stumbling.
Whoever invented high heels should be shot on the spot...
Why would anyone want to walk on those horrible things anyway.
Yes, I understand it makes you look taller and the way you have to walk on them is more seductive I guess, but it was not worth the pain in my feet.

"You did well today."

Sarah was walking in front of me.

"Because of that, I will give you something that will make it feel like you have been given new feet."

"That would be nice... I don't think I can walk on these ever again."

The pain was visible on my face with every step I took.
We walked past the stairs that led up to my room.

"We're not going to my room?"

"No, for this we need to go to the caldarium. It's in the south wing of the castle, close to the conservatory."

Sarah explained.

After a few halls and stairs we arrived at the caldarium.
It was downstairs, left to the doors leading up to the conservatory.
The caldarium was built with Roman architecture in mind.
The layout of the vast space it involved was genius.
They had built it partly under the gardens, so natural light could come in via multiple sunroofs.
If you were standing outside in the garden on top of it, you wouldn't even notice the windows because of the layout of plants around them.
There was even a sunroof leading to the conservatory.
The rest of the space was lit with dim lights, giving it a relaxing vibe.

"Here are some towels and a bathrobe."

Sarah handed me over the pile she had gotten out of a closet.

"Go get undressed, leave your clothes there."

She pointed at a large chair as she started to get undressed.

I blinked a few times... getting undressed?
What was I going to wear under this robe?
I watched as Sarah took her clothes off, wrapping a big towel around her waist.
She looked back at me.

"Those clothes are not taking themselves off."

"But I'll be naked then."

I was nervous.

"So what? We are both female, and it is not like I haven't seen it before. Being naked is better for your skin at the sauna."

She pulled my shirt up.

"Relax a bit, you're getting a spa treatment, it's not like I'm going to eat you."

Still feeling a bit awkward, I undressed myself and wrapped a towel around my waist as well.
Then I followed her to a corner of the room.

"You can hang the robe up here, let's start with a warm foot bath."

She sat down on the heated stone that made a bench next to the foot bath.
I sat down next to her, instantly relaxing at the warm feeling the stones gave to my back.
This... this was nice...

Sarah filled up the bath with fresh warm water and threw in something called calendula.
I had never heard of it before, but it did smell really nice.
The music in the background was doing its job as well, getting me more and more relaxed.

"Do you go here often?"

I asked Sarah curiously.

"Yes, at least once a week."

Sarah replied while leaning back against the warm stones.

"Lord Radu hardly ever uses this place anymore and has given me permission to use it as often as I please. When he was younger, I used to go together with him. He loved getting his back and feet massaged after one of the physical practices he had to follow as a kid. He was so cute back then."

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